vrijdag 11 april 2014

by Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

There are hugh parallels between the death of Jesus and the Imam Mahdji in 1979. (SiTU MEMO 39).
Killed on a holy spot, by special forces, with followers among which his brother, during a holy festival in an overcrowded, religious important city. Similar is the role of the royalty and the religious leaders. Both religions, (Christianity and Islam) mourn over this irrevocable moment and are awaiting a miraculous return.

So two Messianic figures have been killed by their own people.

Who is next. The Jews, who reject Jesus as a false Messiah , the Buddhist, praying for the moment when the Lord Maitreya will make himself known, the Hindu expecting the return of Lord Krisjna or the European Union silencing Barbarossa, Thor and King Arthur.

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