21-12-2012; JUST A DATE?
The “Kogi” are one of the last Indian tribes, who defends its borders and have as little contact with “the Younger Brother”, (the Spanish e.o.) and modern city life as possible.
They live in Colombia and some years ago they send a messenger to “us”. He invited journalists to visit their “sacred lands”. And they had an important message for the modern world.
The area the “Kogi” live in, contains all eco-systems of the world. Dessert, icy mountains, beaches and lush forrest. Large part of their duties, so they see it; a duty to Mother Earth, consists of maintaining nature and living of the land in the same. The work is done by the young and the women. The boys, join, after a long education and initiation, the “Mamma's”; responsible for the spiritual harmony. They live in Paradise. But the “Kogi” are worried. Their natural world is decling. The air and waters get polluted and trees and butterflies die. In their message they warn us. Stop polluting and destroying the Earth, because if their “mini-world” dies, the nature on the whole world will die.
The Aztecs in Mexico thought that they were the “chosen people”. Their priests stood in direct contact with the Gods. Part from rituals, monuments and devotion, the God wanted blood. Human-sacrifice and self-mutilation were necessary for maintaining the blessings from the Gods. If the rituals were not performed, the Gods got angry and would punish them or even leave them alone. Restoring the connection would require a lot of blood.
The Maya possessed a complex cosmology. For them time was divided in cycles and these in smaller ones. The important timeframe we live in, started around 3100 BC. (note the Hindu Kali-yuga starts around this time too) and it ends on 11.11 PM. On December 21, 2012. In the USA mainly, but all around the world this date is connected with destruction and the end of the world. You can even buy your own 2012-survival kit (material not spiritual).
When the Spaniards came, the Maya had left their temple-cities, but they still live in that same area (Mexico, Guatemala, Belize a.o.). The growing interest in the Maya-culture and their calender draws lots of tourists to Meso-America. But the Maya don't profit. For a long time their traditions, medicine and language were forbidden. A shamanic-tradition remained, but had to go underground. It was only recently the Maya's were helped by Western archeologists, who started to understand Mayan hieroglyphics.

But the Mexican government forbids the Maya's to perform their important Fire-ritual on the their ancient holy places. Instead the tourist industry takes over. Elton John live at Chichen Itza. The Mayan calendar is cyclical. Some cycles are long (billions of years) or short (1999 – 2012), but they all end (find completion) in 2012. The historical and quantative cycles get shorter and shorter, and time will go even faster and faster.
Connected to it are “states of mind”. Mankind started with “clan thinking” (you may kill a stranger, but no a neighbor), followed by the idea of a state (nationality) and ending “universal” (everything is connected and has to be treated with respect). This development knows a period of ethics, when all the manipulation, cheating and crimes on personal, cooperate or national level will be revealed (f.i. The execution-pictures of Indonesia in Holland; there is more to come). This “ethic cleansing” is essential.
The fullfillment of prohesy has to do with rituals, hope and location/date. In the past some things went wrong. Christians changed the traditional sabbath for Sunday, the Indians got wiped out by disease, slavery and murder, important rituals and education stopped. Location is also very important. The America's are littered with pyramids, which location was part of a cosmic pattern. Elton John is disturbing the completion of the Maya calendar. The prophesy will be fulfilled but chaotic and seemingly random. The Kogi. Hopi. Aztec and Maya-shamans are doing their best, so should we.

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