The Roswell UFO Incident was a report of an object that crashed in the general vicinity of Roswell, New Mexico, in June or July 1947, allegedly an extra-terrestrial spacecraft and its alien occupants. Since the late 1970s the incident has been the subject of intense controversy and of conspiracy theories as to the true nature of the object that crashed. The United States Armed Forces maintains that what was recovered was debris from an experimental high-altitude surveillance balloon belonging to a classified program named "Mogul";[1] however, many UFO proponents maintain that an alien craft was found and its occupants were captured, and that the military then engaged in a cover-up.
Do aliens exist? This question is haunting me since I first read a SF-novel. My first was a story of young Dutch kids, who became believers and were rewarded with a trip around the universe. Still sounds nice to me.
The question about aliens and ufos made a dramatic turn in 1947. Near the town of Roswell, New Mexico, some farmers found strange debris on their lands and they informed the Air Force, at the nearby base. In the world of ufologists and conspiracy, the following press-release is famous. The Air Force stated, that they had recovered the remains of a flying saucer. Ufologists go even further and state, that (dead) aliens were found. The next day a new press-release came. The military had made a mistake. The debris found were the remains of a weatherballoon. The controversy started then and is still raging. Evidence and witnesses are still popping up. They all confirm the ufologist point of view: the Roswell-incident was an alien crash and the government are denying the facts and covering it up. In the meantime alien technology is adapted to earthly circumstances. Best known as a so called “Black Project” is Area 51. This testing facility in the Nevada dessert is operational since 1955. It consists of about 30 hangars and buildings and airstrips. Personel is flown in from Las Vegas and the facility is extremely guarded and tresspassers will be shot on sight.
Roswell was NOT an incident. It is a part of a chain of events, which were the result of the testing and exploiting of nuclear weapons. These tests started in 1945 in the Nevada dessert. The first A-bomb dropped on Japan, was flown there by the bomber “Enola Gay”, which was stationed at Roswell, New Mexico. This drew all kinds of attention and the chain reaction has not stopped. Ufo-sightings and alien contacts have become part of the global amusement industry. Our world is changing and some things become visible and active again. Officially unidentified flying objects do not exist. Strangely enough pilots state that they were ordered to chase and shoot at them. Shooting at something that does not exist.
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