dinsdag 20 mei 2014

One of the major problems when you study the subject of unidentified flying objects and the possible existence and interaction with alien intelligence, is the fact. that their does not exist any concrete evidence. No parts of a crashed flying saucer, alien tools or actual bodies. What comes closest are photographs and video's, who are all of very poor quality and in many cases an actual fraud. In one of the videos, the producer had gone to great trouble to make me believe, that I was looking at a flying saucer, built by Nazi-scientists during World War 2. The producer was obvious American, because this actual footage was dated: 6/26/1943. Here he made a mistale, it was a clumsy video anyway. 6/26/1953 would NOT have been used by the Germans. They would have use the continental notation of dates: 26/6/1953.
The problem of data-collection seems to be solved. Young and enthousiastic researchers (m/f) using the best audio/video equipment and having their own tv-shows (UFOtv, Spacing Out and Chasing Ufo's for instance). They have all the time, money and equipment to not only to chase these elusive machines, but to film and photograph ufo's. At last the possibility to gather real material and evidence is within grasp.
It's all quite disappointing. Of course, when you operate near air force-bases, it's quite normal that you see all kinds of flying objects and that you may be chased by security personel as well. It's also quite naive to think, that the US Air Force (and other branches of the military complex, does not experiment with all kinds of secret craft. Although officially denied, trillions of dollars are spend on black projects. These programs don't only explore aviation and outer space, but also computertechnology, medicine (prolonging life), psychologocial warfare and propaganda, chemical and biological warfare, the power of sound and low frequencies, laserweapons, explosives (9/11) and even the wheater (HAARP).
These projects all operate within a secret Wargame, all aimed at training of the “puppets” and development of power. In this scenario even a nuclear war can be won. US scientists promiss us an agreeable way of life, after the war, we will win.
This is the real problem and cause for alarm. Nobody asks WHY there are so many military bases, laboratories and underground facilities. Behind these walls of secrecy they are preparing for the final battle and we are the guinea-pigs. And once in a while, they are launching a weatherballoon for UFO-research teams to chase.

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