donderdag 15 mei 2014


Afghanistan is a bleeding wound, that will never be healed. Unless. Yes unless what. When the Western corporations get in to exploit the country for its resources (like Iraq and Libya). To produce more I-Phones, cell-phones and other technology, that has to save our world-economy. You drive a car, with an airbag, for the people or animals you may hit, while a doctor in Senegal runs out of medicine and a refugee-camp in Lebanon runs out of food. All kinds of neighborhoods will be destroyed. A child in Palestine reaches adulthood amidst ruins and military suppression. He or she might get shot on their way to school. Happy childhood.
Iraq is a bleeding wound. Oil production is guaranteed, but the streets are filled with body parts. The internal struggle for power between the Kurds, the Sunnites and Shiites is still raging, while opportunists fill their pockets. Millions of people are dislocated, while their houses, schools and hospitals are destroyed. Money for rebuilding the necessary accommodations is failing. The Iraqi's are living between ruins, as are the Afghanis. The Libyans and the Syrians, the Palestinians and the Yemenites. You can imagine, what this does to their mind. Their suffering has found a goal in fundamentalism and anti-US/Western world. I can understand them. I can understand their hate against much of our Western civilization. At least 1.5 million civilians (!) have been killed in the Arabic/Islamic world in the last 15 years. Many have been killed by Western forces (including our own, Dutch Air Force (Royal!). We don't care. We seek our peace of mind in concepts as “the global war on terrorism” and “strive for global democracy”. Our peace of mind is bought with the death and suffering of children and other human beings. They have to be saved by bureaucrats kept in place by our, Western, support. My own country send the military to Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. The “Coalition of the Willing” deny any responsibility for the current state of these countries. This makes me sick.

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