"Who am I? What am I doing here? Why do they think I am insane?" These questions keep me busy at night-time. Like in a warzone, people stay inside at night. Leaving the world to itself and its insane mechanisms, rituals and darker human acts. Most of them only mean a short escape from the monkey-island they live on. Even the beautiful morninghours, they spend sleeping, with their curtains closed. In the meanintime their mind and body are microwaved and programmed to survive another day. This intense and effective way of control over the behaviour of crowds. and even that of a single individual, was operational 24/7. Slowly human society slid into a worldorder, dominated by white (mostly), chauvenistic, agressive macho male aliens, which let most of the work be done by subordinate humans, though they preferred machines. In this way they controlled the world and an old-boys-cybernetwork which surrounded the planet.
All went well according to their ornagrams, schedules and plans. Soon total domination would be possible. It was about this moment in this space/time configuration that I reached a form of enlightenment, in which I remembered who I really was, my destination and the job I had to do.
All went well according to their ornagrams, schedules and plans. Soon total domination would be possible. It was about this moment in this space/time configuration that I reached a form of enlightenment, in which I remembered who I really was, my destination and the job I had to do.
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