Once upon a time our solar system, was visited by a mysterious race, called the Watchers. Actually they were a multi-dimensional group of entities, far ahead in their development, compared to other lifeforms developing in our young galaxy. The Watchers considered themself as cosmic gardeners. The planets, which contained life suitable for their purposes, were carefully studied and in every form imaginable they registered their growthpotential. Feeling like Gods, they operated that way. Leaving traces around the milkyway, where they presented themselves as Gods, Superior Masters or representatives of the Universal System. When they left, they always promised to return and providing the Elite, with the necessary tools to remain in power and continu the scientific experiment.

The experiment on planet Earth went on. The Watchers, though expected to return, got, one way or another , lost in time-space. They were not heard of ever since. We were on our own now, or so we thougnt. But deeply routed in our genes, the Watchers had programmed to wait and hope their return; whatever happened. Human beings were programmed to believe in miracles and extra-terrestrial saviours, like Jesus Christ. But he seemed to have disappeared too.

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