do societies collapse? You may not think, that this of great
importance to us. If you ask people on the street if our kingdom will
collapse, they will answer: no, of course not. States like Somalia
collaps and former Jugoslavia has collapsed. In history the
Maya-civilization collapsed. Some decades after their most ambitious
buildingprojects, they left the city and disappeared into the jungle.
historically many societies have collapsed and disappeared. Our
country exists for more than 400 years, which makes it one of the
respectable European states.
like extinction, the collapse of a society is inevatable. But when
will this happen.
exist 5 fields of analysis, on which can be decided, how stable a
country is. A kind of stress-test.
human impact of the environment. Climate change; Relation with
friendly, neighbouring societies; Relation with hostile,
(neighbouring) societies. Political, economical, social and cultural
Klaas presented the text on the central screen and was silent for a
while, to let them analyze and process the information. He continued
his lesson. βLet's project these factors on our own province and we
will see, to which conclusions it leads us.
the impact on the environment. Greenhouse gasses are still emmited,
nature is diminished, the sea is exploited in a terrible way and we
all want to drive a car. Roads, industrial developments and
parkinglots diminshe the traditional landscape. And last but not
least, we burn our carbage around the corner. One of the many forms
of poluting the water, the sky and the earth.
climate-change. Nobody can ignore it anymore. At this moment the
temperatures are rising, which will have an enormous impact on our
agriculture. But there is another scenario. North-Western Europe
could be confronted with an Ice-age. This too will have an collosal
impact on our foodsupply and on the export of agricultural products,
on which our local economy thrives. Relation with friendloy states
means for instance the economical dependency of our neighbours. For
this area tourism is a moneymaker. But the number of tourists can
drop dramatically. For all kinds of reasons, as we have after the
earthquake and the tsunami in Japan. Openly hostile societies are far
away. But the threat of global terrorism has become an important
topic, which touches all levels of society. Government is a mess,
social structures disappear and our cultural identity ridiculed. I
leave the conclusions up to you.β
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