zaterdag 31 mei 2014

The Mongols, a medieval gang-collective on horse-back, that even threatened Europe at a time, had a special treatment for traitors. It was called “The Slow Death”. The convicted Mongol was tied to the centre pole of a nomad tent. Every morning a small piece of him would be cut of: a finger, a toe or an ear. Special torture-masters turned it into an art: keeping the traitor alive, as long as possible. Did these fellow human beings suffer?

I once visited Auschwitz. A perfect place when you study “suffering”. I was most impressed, not by the massive scale of suffering, but by the fact that representatives of human kind (the Nazi's), created a hell, within this place of horror. I don't mean the ovens or the gass-chamber, but I mean the prison of this death-camp. Every camp-prisoner had a specific number (tatoo), code and color: Jews, homo-sexuals, gypsies and political prisoners. IBM's “proto-computers” made the selection and classification easy. There was one group of prisoners, who were not numbered and who were wearing the color of death. The guards of the camps could do with them, whatever they choosed: humilation, beatings and the chance to be shot at the spot. In the end, the ended up in the prison of Auschwitz. A collection of dark cells. Here they got a special treatment of torture, beatings, medical experiments and amputations. In the end they ended up against the wall, un the prison-yard to be shot. The bullit impacts are still to be seen.

Did they suffer?

Jesus was heavenly beaten and tortured, before he was forced to carry his cross to the place of execution. Here was nailed to the cross, together with two other convicts, where he died, before the end of the day. All in all Jesus' suffering lasted 24 hours, at the most. Christians believe, that in this day, Christ washed away, all our sins. But because of miscommunication and misconduct we move away from “the Code” and we are doomed to suffer in this life and probably in the next (heaven or hell and/or endless reincarnation).
Jesus and all the other victims of mankind seem to illustrate that homo sapiens. is the only mammal that kills, tortures and eats its own species. It also commits genocide and mass-murder (till this very moment).

Let's make an end to this lie and doctrine, simply by relieving the suffering of your fellow-men. You have 7 billion relatives to choose from. Start today. Then the concept of suffering will slowly fade away and did Jesus' and all the others; man, woman and child, not die in vain.

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