zaterdag 31 mei 2014



Of course not all the Atlanteans prepared to go underground. It was an experiment, which could lead to disaster. Which it did. By digging deeper and deeper they met other entities and powers, with older roots. Some Atlanteans decided to go into space and searched for an inhabitable planet. In the process they discovered other ways of space-travel. They used vortexes, black holes, anti-matter and stargates to travel lond distances. And one day, they were gone, not to heard of, unto now. Other, more spiritual, Atlanteans started a process of de-materialisation. Through meditation, drugs and a speciual diet, they succeeded to reach other dimensions. Dimensions which were also full of life. One by one, or in small groups, these inhabitants of Atlantis, simply disappeared, untill now.

Finally, there were Atlanteans, who choosed to ignore the future or simply thought, that they could survive the cataclysm or thought to be saved by the Gods, they worshipped. We now have proof, that some survived the end of the old world. They too went underground. Through manipulation, bribery and violence, they found their way into the human society and became the powerful people, behind the screens. In that way they planned the revival of Atlantis and their power. Over the milennia a front was created, mainly through aristocratic families and nobility, which did the dirty work, being the destruction of earth and creating a habitable situation for the coming leaders and owners of earth.

In short Atlantis is manifesting itself in many different ways. Of course through the monuments and artifacts, which are found. Some being older, predating even Atlantis. We live in an age of information and a tsunami of anomalies is forming, which will crush, the classical vision on earth and human development. The time-line, we all learned at school, is fake and limits your vision on reality. The remnants of the survivors are still there, but through inbreeding and genetic deformation, their power is dwindling and some are completely insane. But due to a long periode of propaganda and brainwashing, they are still seen as precious to a country and being immensely popular.

The spacefaring Atlanteans discovered many other planets and levels of existence. They got completely lost in time and space and desperately try to reach their home-planet. Some are getting close and keep a channeling kind of contact with devotees. But they too want to re-conquer, what is, so they think, is rightfully theirs.

The interdimensional Atlanteans are mostly benevolent and present themselves as teachers, angels, demons or avatars. They are not to be trusted.”

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