zaterdag 7 juni 2014

There is one important moment, a decisive one, in the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi-power. That moment is the moment when “der Reichstag” in Berlin was set on fire. At that moment, there was a period of political balance. The NSDAP did not win the elections and the brutality of the Nazi-footsoldiers was met with equal force from the communists. Socialists and communists were a major factor. The communists were more radical and idealistic, than the socialists, and they fought a kind of civil war. Hitler found a way to win this “war”. Shirtly after the inferno, a young Dutch communist was arrested. A classical pattern enfolds. Rinus van der Lubbe was quickly found guilty and executed. The young communist may have participated in the arson, but he was obviously used by the Nazi's. But Hitler wanted more. He introduced martial law to fight the communists. The deportation of political enemies began. It was wholeheartedly accepted and supported by the German public and political parties. Germany became completely “nazified” and it could look across its borders. “Versailles” had re-arranged the German and Austrian Empires, who had to be restored. The political opposition ended up silenced or in the concentration camps.
Wen Iraq, under the rule of Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait, the American government wanted to fight a ground-war. Unfortunately the American public opinion said otherwise. This changed when during a congressional hearing a young woman started to tell stories about Iraqi soldiers destroying incubators in hospitals and killing babies. Her eyes were filled with tears about the horrors she had seen. Another witness confessed, he had buried 14 dead babies.
The American public opinion changed completely after hearing these brutalities. President Bush even got emotional over it. These barbarians had to be stopped. Operation Dessert Storm got on the way. The young woman, who told her story full of emotion and crying, was the daughter of a diplomat from Kuwait. Before the meeting, she was trained by an American pr-company. And with success, war was on the way.
Sea the pattern? The second Gulf War started because the Americans “proved”, beyond any doubt, that Saddam possessed weapons of mass-destruction and he would not hesitate to use them. Those weapons of mass-destruction were never found. Their existence and threat was a deliberate lie. But it worked. Dessert Storm 2 (The Coalition of the Willing; willing to prove their loyalty to the USA, despite the innocent people being killed. Hundreds of thousands Iraqi civilians have died, in the last 22 years. The dying goes on.) crashed Saddam Hussein, who was no threat to anybody (anymore), nor was its army. Some pilots complained about the many “sitting ducks”, easy targets to destroy and no air-defense.
The war in Afghanistan started by the hunt on Osama bin Laden. There was no evidence, that he was connected to the 9/11 attack. There even was no evidence that he was in Afghanistan. He was finally found in Pakistan and assassinated.
You start seeing the pattern. I could put Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin-incident and 9/11 on the list too). We are being lied to and our emotions are manipulated. The Elite wants war. It is profitable (rebuilding f.i., mining, oil, armsrace) and the people are massaged into a mode, in which violence is acceptable. Making it acceptable (necessary for freedom, democracy, war on drugs, war on terror) is massaged into our brain by the media, politicians and government.
These are all lies and the result of a retarded mindframe.
Violence, war and destruction are alien to human beings. They, the controlling powers, want to make it look natural, emotional, necessary and something to be proud of or even can excel in.
These are all delusions and block your potential. Education, entertainment, sport and amusement are full of it. Start deprogramming and get it out of your system. You will start to laugh, when you experience how stupid the fascination for speed, noise, power, destruction and martial arts is. This is my wish for you. I think (world)peace, therefore I am.

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