from the SiTU ARCHIVES
In the beginning, there was The Manual.In it was described how everything worked, what to do, when it did not work and what to do in case of emergency.The Manual was made completely “user-friendly” and “self-repairing” and its controlling powers would last forever.
Let's call this “the Atlantic period”. Thousands of years of peace and development. But something went wrong and The Manual got into the wrong hands; resulting in a mighty empire, with a complex global hierarchy, aggressive, divided and prepared to do anything to obtain or keep The Manual. The person or group of persons (clique) in possession of the Manuals power, got more and more paranoid and suppressive. Atlantis was boiling and a dictatorship was on the way.
Then the Gods and Goddesses intervened. It was not only “the Flood”, that was decisive, but also the way you were prepared.Of course, there were survivors and people who had known and had prepared for the coming disasters. Some went to other dimensions or worlds; some went up into the mountains, deep down in the ocean, into the winds and in huge underground complexes, that kept 200.000 selected persons, safe and fed, for more than 10 years. All these things happened and more.
When the survivors were on there feet again, that came to a horrible conclusion: The Manual had disappeared. Things would never be the same without it, so every-one thought. The remaining scientists tried to re-create it, but things were not the same anymore. Hastily they wrote everything down and built complex structures to enact and revive the powers of the First Empire. A group of scientists and philosophers carefully noted every development, insight and inventions in “The New Manual”. Then the peoples of the Earth decided to build a tower, like the towers of the First Empire, that reached to sun, moon and stars.
Again a God interfered and he bombarded the earth with space debris, that made the volcanoes active, which melted the ice etc. This God, called Yahweh, divided the peoples of the earth, by mind-control and the project in Babylon, came to a halt.
What was left of the Manual, remembered and written down, was torn apart and mostly gone. But Yahweh helped his favorite survivors, by helping, not only by surviving the Flood,but also by giving them a head start over the other survivors by inspiring them to write a new “Super Manual”, the people of the world would call “the Bible”.
What does the word “government” mean.
You immediately think of politics, ministers, mayors and many, many civil servants. Those are the result of “government”. The word is latin and literally means “control thoughts”. So, what government does is control our thoughts. They manipulate and lie at will, but they do it in a way, that fits our mainframe. Quid Bono, who benefits. In first instance us. It takes billions of people worldwide to garantee our standard of living. They have to be manipulated to. North-Korea is an extreme example, but we too are constantly bombarded with information, that legitimize the actions of our “government”. We also are conditioned to think, that the problems we face are huge, but they are solvable. We go electric, use solar- and windenergy and even talk of animal-rights! These are all diversions.
The world is heading towards World War Three. Iran and Israel are blood enemies and they will go to each other throats soon. This will be the start of a possible nuclear exchange. Israel has the bombs and Iran can buy them from the Russians. Then the domino-effect gets rolling. North-Korea will attack South-Korea, China will annex Taiwan and Russia and China will get involved.
You think that they are crazy? Well, they think that a nuclear war is winnable. The new world will be harsh, but livable and a new world order will enslave the fremaining population. Self, they will go deep underground or into space.
I could have written this 10 years ago and seemingly none of this happened. Allthough tensions rise all over the world, everybody is waiting. Why?
The Essenes were a christian sect, during the times of Jesus. Persecuted by the Romans, they hid their library in clay pots in a numer of caves near the Dead Sea in Israel. These scrolls were found shortly after the Second World War. The contents were sensational. One of the scrolls is called “The War Scroll”.
It speaks of 7 battles fought on earth between good and evil. Six have passed. Three were won by the dark side, three by the light. The next war will be decisive. And we are under mind control. We strongly believe to be on the right side. Reality or “governe mente.” But the major world powers, are performing all kinds of wargames and drills. These will start to interfere (they already have, 9/11) and could quite well end in disaster.
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