dinsdag 24 juni 2014


The Bible, and especially the books of Daniel and Revelation, is part of a cosmic wargame. The End is Near; the Apocalypse, the Tribulation and the Rapture will be soon upon us. Natural disasters, famine and violence will eventually lead to the “Battle of Armageddon. Jesus will defeat the armies of Evil and a golden milennium will commence. To mark this a new Jerusalem will appear in the skies.

You have to understand, that the word “Apocalypse” means unveiling and disclosure. The curtains rise and a new play begins. Through mindcontrol and brainwashing this coming event is identical to violence, warfare, famine and plagues. BILLIONS will die. This is a lie, a convenient construct and tool in the hands of the “Overlords of the UFO”.

There will be an Apocalypse. A personal, collective and global unveiling and moment of personal insight into a world of growth, understanding and harmony. That moment will come nearer and nearer. Everything will be revealed.

If you participate with all your might to create the


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