are destroying our environment. We are our environment. Conclusion:
we are destroying ourself. This is behavior, that you don't find
anywhere in nature. There is no tiger desperately killing all the
game around. No, predators are environment, serving a purpose on
another level, being part of the whole. We shot bisons out of trains
(elephants too) and drove whole herds of horses, down a mountain.
Genocide and destructive for your environment, eventually destroying
your own existence (or reason to exist).
the destruction goes on and we are very good at it. Imagine a nordic,
tundra like landscape in Canada. Bushes, small trees and all kind of
“petite” plant- and animal life. Grazing caribu and a pack of
wolves, drinking from a small stream full of salmon. In this
(fortunately) “deserted” area oil-sands are discovered. They
contain a little bit of oil. At this moment enormous machines are
stripping the surface, Draglines transport the soil and puts them in
colossal trucks, that drive to a stinking, polluting factory, where
they heat and squeeze the earth, so that we can drive our cars. They
are even making big profits on it (Royal Dutch (!) Shell). What
remains is an arctic dessert, where all live has disappeared and
leaving us with an enormous ecological disaster and a big waste
above so below. If I treated my garden, the way Shell exploits
Nigeria (Royal Dutch Shell), my neighbours would have lynched me and
I was expelled from the community. But on a global scale it is
logical and economically profitable. This is an implanted and
genetically modified, alien attitude. Why, because human beings don't
destroy their environment. If they do and think its ockay (which
obvious is for a long time now) to happen, the conclusion must be,
that we are controlled by forces to act against our interests (war,
terror, polluting, destroying our environment, destroying our health
and a livable future). We must have been deceived. Deceived,
manipulated and lied to by “entities (human, alien, hybrid) that do
profit from this situation.
long do we accept, that on the one hand, we have to pay bigtime, when
we visit “the Waddenzee”, a coastal water on the North Coast of
Holland, which is of enormous ecological environmental (mental too)
importance and it is proudly added to the “World Heritage List”
(like the Great Barrier Reef).
like that. We (the Frisians) love to be green, eco, basic and are
proud of it. We even donate to an asylum, where they rescue
baby-seals, because their advertising makes you cry.
you look closer, you must conclude that this “nature-thing” all a
joke, a facade. At this moment this precious peace of nature is
economically exploited, polluted and destroyed. It is overfished,
overcrowded by tourism and one island is used as a bombing site for
NATO. Gaz, oil and salt are dug and pumped up as are sand and shells.
On several places energy-generating plants and waste-disposal
installations are build and there are more to come. And let's not
forget, that the sealife (birds and fish) die a horrific death,
because of all the pieces of plastics, plastic teaspoons and
lighters, it gets in its stomach. Plastic we dump in our environment.
Are we on a, planned, route to a global suicide? Is that human or
natural? Free your mind, get of your ass and do something.
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