zondag 29 juni 2014

Auditive levitation is a fact. Tibetan monks can levitate a 2000 pound stone into the air and place it where ever they wanted it to. They did so by chanting, singing, trumpets and resonanting on different frequencies. The effect influenced the gravity-emissions of the stone. Turned them around, so to say. This is the way the pyramids were build, the temples and monuments, all over the world. Healing by sound is a fact. But we don't see the possibilities, because of all the noise and electronic waves. Antigravity is a fact, so is free (zero-point) energy. Nicola Tesla's superbeams are active, while several inventions and proto-types, producing cheap and non-polluting energy are available, but they don't stand a chance against the motorlobby. People even get killed! We have a brain, that is an energetic machine. This “machine” is capable of storing every bit of information, every emotion and situation, you ever had. And it has the capability to reflect on this and handle the data in a quantum-like way (using wormholes in your mind). This can be learned, but strangely enough, not in public schools (in this era). Human beings can live as long as Methusalem (900+), if they eat the right food, treat their body and brains well and get the right minerals and metals (silver, gold, platinum), they lead very long and healthy lives. People have an intuitive radar and can identify and feel with other. Telepathy is common among “indigo-children”, but adults have the capability to learn and trust their 6th sense. Humans have the gift to grow food, to feed the whole world. Human beings even possess the capability to teleport themselves to other places, using their concentration and imagination. But why does it not happen? Why is this dreamworld not our reality? What is keeping us, why does it seem so far away
Imagine, a world without cars, aero planes, military, hospitals, constructors and builders, bad teachers, gas stations, oil refineries, chemical plants, atomic energy, transport companies, pipelines in the Arctic, medicine, conflicts, lawyers and policemen? To name a few. This will make us "better", spiritually fulfilling our possibilities and tasks. Almost everything is in place. What is keeping us. It seems, there cannot be any losers.

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