Several times, during our European history, the Jewish Talmud has been burned. It happened by orders of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church in Spain and Italy. It also happened during the Nazi-regime, starting in 1933. And even in our times, this book is called deceptive, evil and even satanic. What is the Talmud and why did the Church, Fascism and National-Socialism, ban and burn this book, as if it is the source of all evil? Can a book have this effect?
The Talmud has. Some explanation: The first five books of the Old Testament are called the “Torah”. They were delivered by God to Moses. This happened at mount Sinai. These 5 books are fundamental to the Jews. And the “Torah” is called an “Ocean of Light” and a simple human being cannot understand and comprehend the real and hidden meanings of it. A Jew needs the “Talmud” to obtain enlightenment, so to say. The book contains the compressed knowledge and wisdom of all the rabbi's, who commented and explained the “Torah”. Being a religious people, Jews start to study the “Talmud” early in life and it never stops. Children are instructed to move their upper body and read the texts out loud.
There are two kinds of Talmud. The “Jerusalem”-edition and the “Babylon-edition”. The Jews felt the Roman repression and decided to write down their oral history. The “Babylon-edition” is dominant and decisive over its counterpart. The rabbi's in Babylon developed certain methods of “questioning”. Discussion and asking questions was a central educational concept. In due course this debate was dominated by logical arguments “ad absurdum”. A Polish rabbi said. “Who has questions, I have so many answers.”
The Jews have a formidable educational system. Learning and further study (religious studies too) are rewarded and stimulated, up until this moment. At this moment a commuter-train to New York is transformed into a “Talmud”-school and young executives spend an hour a day on reading the “Talmud”. The movement and recitation motivates and inspires them, so they say.
Parts of the book are controversial. Bizarre statements about sexuality, adultery and child-marriage are part of the tradition too.
So is the whole concept of the “goj”, the non-Jews. The “Talmud” says that “goj” are inferior to Jews. They should not be treated equal and a statement of a “goj” has no value in a Jewish court. There has to be done some serious rethinking there too.
But don't be surprised to see so many Jewish lawyers, writers, scientists, psychoanalysts and movie producers. They had to study very hard, during their youth and are motivated to succeed.
I just learned about the Talmud recently and was surprised to see its effect as a educational tool. But it is a one-sided tool and worldview. First, this is completely male dominated document. Two thousand years of male chauvinism, written down by rabbi's, who all look, act and think the same. This leads to the same one-sided ness we find in the Catholic Church. You cannot neglect 50% of our human interaction. This leads to conclusions that Mary Magdalen was a whore, active among the carpenters in the Holy Land.
The search for logical explanations eventually leads to rationality and materialism. Both have lead to the “modern scientific method” and because man don't care about the cleaning up afterwards (that's a woman's task), they undertake dangerous experiments, like searching for the "God-particle" at CERN or a “winnable” atomic war in the Middle -East.
MK-Ultra is synonymous with mind-control. It's the name of an American (black) project, with the aim to break down the human defenses. In this way spies could be drugged, so they told the truth and soldiers could be trained to follow orders and perform formidable tasks. The CIA did several tests with LSD. They even gave it (without informing them) to their own staff. Though it started out quite promising, its long term results were unpredictable, chaotic and random. Electro shocks were used to erase a patient's memory and implant new ones. But the victims turned into vegetables. These experiments aimed at the creation of a super-soldier, who was determined to fulfill the task, he was carefully programmed to fulfill. Part of the imprinting is done by drilling and indoctrination. “Sir, yes, sir”, is a constant input to obey and to submit. I remember a woman-soldier, who had lost both legs in Iraq. She had lost in “her fight for democracy”. Whatever that maybe.
By the way, many amputees return into active service. For those, who can use their arms and hands, they can monitor drones over Afghanistan.
Supremacy is another drive to. Hitler's soldiers felt superior to the Jews and the Slavic peoples and they treated them as inferior animals. But the modern US. Army feels superior to. They show it by urinating over dead Taliban or the horrors and humiliation at the Baghdad prisons. Like the Nazi's, they don't care, like all the Allies for Afghan freedom, about civilians. Their, foreseeable, death is collateral damage. When the West leaves Iraq and Afghanistan. When their mission is completed, the people will live among ruins, while the Elite, supported by democracies, cashes the mineral wealth and oil reserves of the area.
Another approach of programming people is by hypnosis. People do all kinds of silly things, but the subject is very serious. It is possible to “possess” a person by using certain key-words (triggers). When a certain word is heard, another program takes over. During an experiment a subject was told to perform a limb, when he heard the word “rosebud”. He walked around perfectly until his mobile rang. He heard the word, and immediately could not move his right leg. Another word and he acted normally again. But he could not remember, why he acted like that.
This is frightening. What if you ordered some-one to kill, triggered by a sound or a word. The general opinion is, that ethics and values will stop them. A (normal) person would not commit a crime (under hypnosis).
But what if ethics and values have changed. What if death is marginalized and hidden, where dying is simplified. There are millions and millions of youngster trained to shoot on sight. They learn to kill on sight and from a distance. And you never die! You may even earn some new “lives” on the way. These youngsters have operated in Iraq and Afghanistan. There no hesitation at all, to shoot on unknown human beings, when you use a drone. The consequences of their acts is far, far away. Unseen, unknown.
Jason Bourne was not hypnotized. When he was ordered to shoot an, unknown, person. The face of the victim was hidden by a brown, paper bag. Jason fired the gun and proved himself. You may say, that it is just a movie. It is entertainment (!). Let me say to you, that these kind of initiation-rites are performed all over the world. From recruiting youngsters in Africa, to fight a war over gold, coltan (for our cell phones) or diamonds, to Mexican and American gangs, as the only escape out of a desperate world. Until we outgrow this primitive reactions, this senseless killing will go on and grow. 0From the military every year tens of thousands of traumatized, “latent” killers hit the streets in many countries around the world. But that is not all. Almost every boy, growing up in the civilized world, knows how to kill and is practizing several hours a day. At least more than they spend on thei home-work.
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