The New York Stock Echange (owner of the Amsterdam SE) has been caught in the act. The act of fraud, bigtime.
What did they do. Traders react when the data, they use, fluctuate. The faster you react, the more you possibly gain (and others loose).
The NYSE offered special clients a view “into the future”. They received the actual data about 4 seconds before regulars traders received them. That does not seem much, but because trading is highly computerized, several hundreds of transactions can be made, with this foreknowledge. This story surfaced about september 2012 and it is only scratching ther surface. Computerized trading, uses algorithms to make choises to sell or buy, and touches all trading, of which 40% is completely automated. Real money-machines. But algorithms are getting increasingly complicated and have a tendency towards chaos. In one case 80% of a company's liquidity, evaporated in a couple of seconds. There is more to come, but it is time to occupy Wallstreet and bring the fraud and the lies into the open. It's not that strange, that bankers and investment-managers earn hundreds of millions. They are payed to cover up this mess.
In Holland there once was a (and is) State Lottery. Sounds safe and they advertized, that a big percentage of the incoming money, payed for by the participants, would be divided among them, by chance. The Management of the State Lottery used a very profitable algorithm. Tickets, who were not sold (sometimes millions) were not taken out, but still could be “a lucky number”. In that case, the owners, the State Lottery, cashed the price. That's not a lottery, but it is pure (State) fraud! It reminds me of a political meeting, where also a lottery was held (socialist and ufological books and pamflets). Not all tickets were sold, the organization had expected much more visitors. The owner of the pub bought the remaining ones and won most of the prices.
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