This video is a good illustration of the growing compartmentalization of information. This one was only aired (by National Geographic Channel) in Australia. The big media-cooperation are trying to distort and destroy the new Tower of Babylon; powered by the internet.
Australia is a target of the NWO and is getting isolated. But don't worry, help is on the way.
But in the proces, the Media Moguls cannot numb the people down anymore. So they have to reveal the truth, step by step. That is why I want you to research the internet as much as you can. Stop playing games and getting entertained. The Elite does not care about you, so you have to take care of your SELF (your most valuable part, they lust for). Get educated and start asking questions, when you know the answer.
By the way, what's the relationship between alien domination and obese?
Listen carefully to the experts and especially the American one. What are they in fact saying, who are they (human?)
Is Australia a threat to China or is it going to be.
Make a calculation of the costs of a black project like this.
History Channel, NGC, Discovery, Animal Planet and other infomative tv-channels are carefully planning their global mindcontrol and desinformation. Australia is targeted and we will not believe them, because the information was hidden to you. Be aware of this and exchange information. In this way, it won't get lost. Like the last time.
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