woensdag 30 juli 2014

Global GMO Alert! - New Scientific Evidence Proves Danger?
Global GMO Alert! - New Scientific Evidence Proves Danger? SAYNO2GMO TransDehumanism [Video]


The power of the Elite is slowly fading away. There were only a few of them in the beginning and they wanted to keep it that way. This led to inbreeding and a slow, but unstopable decline.

Let's call them the Gods, the (fallen) Angels or Archons. They guided and directed humanity to fulfill their desires and wanted to be worshipped for it. When they arrived on our planet, they soon realized that their magic and technology gave them supremacy over man and when managed the right way, it seemed their rule could last for millenia.

These Archons desperately searched for a way back into their original universe, from which they were dumped into our reality. Their unity soon disap-peared, mostly out of boredom, and for thousands of years they played a game of “Global Risk”. An endless streams of wars, experiments, invasions and genocide engulfed the planet. Modern technology all made it seem easy, but to reach every entity, they had to spread their powers. The Archons use modern media to control our world. But a problem occured. More and more of their original powers of manipulation and indoctrination became paperthin. Combined with the inbreeding and the growing paranoia of the Elite, their mindframe slipped into decadence and obscenety. That's why we are confronted with all those absurd and disgusting movies, battles, t.v.-series and talkshows. Nobody, in a sane mind, is awaiting another wargame, zombie-attack or disaster-scenario. Still we are confronted by them. There is nothing entertaining about a horror-movie or adult programming. They only show a degenerative and dark tendency, we have to get rid of. The world is filled with anger, violence, pornography, child-abuse and suppression. So it seams. There is a different world to discvover. Just stop playing video-games, send text messages, go to cinemas and watch television (among others). Stop let them poison you. There's another, real world waiting for you.

 Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification
This groundbreaking NRDC documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years. The film, featuring Sigourney Weaver, originally aired on Discovery Planet Green.

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