zaterdag 12 juli 2014


An important question in ufology is: where are the ufo's, when we don't sea them?

Out in space, on some kind of mothership? Submerged, after diving into the ocean? Both options have supporters. A third option is the existence of a Hollow Earth. Beneath our feet a completely different underworld exists. High technology (ufo's), excellent living conditions and a spiritual way of living. Admiral Byrd is said to have flown into an opening at the North Pole, where he met the enlightened rulers of the Hollow Earth.

On several places are entrances, f.i. in the Himalayas (Shambala, Shangri La, Ayarta) and South America (Tayos Cave, El Dorado) and North-America (Mount Shasta).
Hollow Earth

Recently undergroundcities have been discovered (Turkey) and giant cave-systems (Yukatan).

In many cultures and its folklore/creation myths,

civilisation was not only delivered by Gods, coming out of the sky, but also by supernatural beings coming out of the ground.
Video: Phil Schneider Tells UFO Secrets about Aliens ~ Frequency

Phil Schneider (USA) made public, that while drilling a DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base), he was confronted by a group of “Tall Greys”, who had lived down there for hundreds of years. He shot two of them (“Yes, they can die”.) and was himself seriously wounded, loosing a couple of fingers, because of a Grey-laserweapon.

We cannot interrogate Phil Schneider or connect him to a lie-detector. Phil Schneider was shot during a confrontation with the authorities.

hollow earth theory our earth is hollow do you believe

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