When mankind watches it surroundings he thinks to be the centre of the world. Everything is pointing towards him and he wants to touch everything. We speak of science when we research our environment in a certain way. The experiment must be methodical, quantifying and repeatable. This way of thinking, implies that the scientist is an observer of experiments, to get a bigger picture. Well, they is not getting bigger at all. In Geneva, they are chasing a “God-particle” to make out theory of the universe complete. The ultimate small as explanation of the ultimate small and the ultimate big. Particles and universes in a theory of “All”.
No, we are not the centre of the cosmos and yes, the scientific method alienates you from reality. A reality of numbers are only one, though an important, aspect of the worlds around us.
In fact, we are standing on the edge, watching the world drifting away. We have completely allienated our self from Earth and things are getting out of hand.
We have to re-connect. If you approch your reality with respect, interest and compassion, the world will let you in. Start with your pet and the birds in your garden. Look closely at the trees and the plants. Ask their guidance and you will transfer to a dimension of connection. Of growing love and understanding. And by the way; what are we doing here. It must have a reason.
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