zaterdag 5 juli 2014


Our consciousness is shrinking and so is the language we use.

Our perspective is diminishing and so is our concept and understanding of the world. Out of desperation we simplify our world, trying to fit in. The best way of doing to do that is capitalism and the law of the sea. Even people are seen as commodities, so is everything else we can lay our hands on. By way of manmade extinction, we are simplifying nature. By globalisation we unify this world and corporations and politics run the show. Women in Kenia are picking flowers, who will be sold in Dutch supermarkets. On the other hand, the Dutch florists are exporting their flowers to New York and Dubai. A Kenian woman and here child are hungry and you cannot eat roses.

Our language is shrinking and so is your name. My first name has shrunk from 8 to three letters. Last names go through the same historical proces: Janszoon, Janszen – Janssen – Jansen.

I have been in many toilets, all over the world. Travellers like to make mark places they've been. “Killroy was here.” or “When you read this, you are urinating on your shoes.” On one of my zen-travels, searching for Shambala, I read: God is dead. Nietzsche. Nietzsche is dead. God.”

This is an example of shrunken literacy. It's only part of the statement of this, misunderstood and misused by Nazi ideology, German philosopher. He wrote: God is dead. He stayes dead, because we killed him.

The modern media speed up this process. Commentators, in situ, are something special. They are talking “monkey-dutch”, and are proud of it. “ Politicians are talking, as if they are standing on the moon, Nietzsche again and experts are biased and pretending to have everything under control. They just need more money to stabilise the shrunken world.

In the meantime bankers are cashing in, the military and industrial complex is flourishing and all most all “civilised” countries are on the brink of collapse. 2014 is an important year for the EU f.i. or the Middle East, that's why the Elite has organised a giant distraction campaign, payed by us of course. World Football Championship, the Tour the France, tennis on Wimbledon or the "Diamond Games". Big Money, bigg betting.
Bread, beer and distraction, the Roman way to keep the people at ease. But what if the rumors about a dirty bomb exploding during the Olympics come true? Technically it can be done and the MET considers it a possibility. They are certainly preparing for it. But for some it is a price, worth paying. Globalist publically state, that a “new Pearl Harbor (like 9/11)” is needed to create a New World Order. Let it sink in. We will talk about the “Old World Order” next time.

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