vrijdag 18 juli 2014


It was a deliberate, “human”, act to shoot down the plane. (Groups of) People are responsible. To commit such a crime, you need an organization, which needs funding. The area was a warzone and thus part of several ongoing wargames (Nato, US, Russia).

It was o accident and about the consequences meetings were held.

People, organizations and countries are responsible. A small group of people pushed the button.

When you have the hardware, it will be used. Untill the machinery breaks down and the landscape is shattered with burned-out tanks, destroyed farms, trucks and launching platforms. WW2 all over again.

Who are involved? Who has the hardware?

Ukrain has, they misfired before, Russia and the “separatists”. The last being quite an army, (who trained them and financed the weapons and trucks) to handle this technology.

The fingers are pointing at the pro-Russian militia, but the area is a war-zone and a thorough investigation, like 9/11, is impossible. A rerason to disarm the separatists? So, why would they do it; why shoot down an civilian plane with an exotic destination. Were they aiming at Putin, who was airborne at the decisive moment. But Wladimir Putin is big supporter of these “local” militia.

In a James Bond movie 007 is chasing a crazy media-tycoon, who tries to ignite World War 3. Why, because he would be the one to broadcast this global event. The question is, which one of the three players would do it for money?

By the way, James Bond prevented the uncoming disaster and the bad guy perishes. Like in all fairy-tales.


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