woensdag 23 juli 2014


Reincarnation is an aspect of a cycle and due to this fact it differs. In aeons of peace and harmony, retreat and reincarnation are no problem. That changes during times of war, famine and destruction. The reincarnationmodules on the moon start to get overheated and mistakes are made. But this happens all within cycles. At this moment we are nearing the End of the Kali-yuga and a Golden Age will be opened. Better to speak of a Goden Cage, ruled by the Kalki-Maitreya, ready to appear and manifest himself in 2012.
Our society has lost sight on cycles, other dimensions and former lives. It is two-dimensional and it's only function is confusion and distraction. It keeps human beings from developing their posiibilities and talents. Telepathy, teleportation and precognition are still faught over as human attributes. At the same the military, police and intelligence all over the world have their own psi-cops and brainpolice.
Everything connects to everything, this happens in cycles. If you ignore the cycles, disaster follows; if you go with the flow, you will have an easy ride. The Mayans, among others, understood cycles. When you lived a full 52-year cycle, you became an Elder and adviser to the young. “You had been around.” They calculated cycles, lasting millions of years! All wit the help of Atlantis of course.
All cycles differ, but they all have one thing in common. They come to an end. A new cycle will start. In the tribulation during a 7 year transition periode, wars will break out, global foodshortages, economic collapse and so on. At the same time the cosmic wheel of reincarnation will come to a stand-still, before it will slide forward. But gods, goddesses, demons do exist and they are part of the new cycle too and they long for a body and positions of power. They know what the end of the world means: new chances for regaining power and domination. Like in the good, old days.”


When do you call a society a civilization? This term civilizd meant the people were living up to human standards. Rules of behavior that distinguished “civilized man”, from the cave-men, nomads and hunter-gatherers (this the traditional historic view on the development of men).

Civilizations can be found all over the world. Sumeria in Iraq, which had a school system, public services like toilets and hot water. India knew civilizations that fought immense wars, using rockets and even atomic weapons. The Chinese civilization is a story of continuous warfare, before unity was established. We call Sparta a civilization, but its identity was based on warfare. Except for his military strength, all over the world, a civilization was recognized by its intellectual achievements, like geometry, writing and astronomy. The Sumerians kept records of the celestial movements and were the first civilization to observe an asteroid-impact. Egypt is famous for its art, like many other civilizations, and monuments. We still wonder, how these monuments were built. We tend to make things small. We talk about the Great Pyramid, while referring to an hughe complex of pyramids and temples. Lately underground tunnels were explored, connecting the monuments. These underground systems are definitively older, than the Gizeh-pyramids themselves. Civilization also has a link to human rights. Some kind of judgment must be performed. Especially concerning life and death.

All civilizations used calendars. The Persians did, the Hebrews, the Chinese and the Greek. So did the Maya. A Meso-American “civilization”, that flourished for a thousand years, to disappear around 800 AD. and abandoned their cities and temples.

The Maya knew several calendars. A normal 360 days calendar, a personal calendar of 260 days and a “long-count”-calendar, which had a prophetic character. On 21 December 2012, at 11.11 pm., this calendar ends. Will the world come to an end? But that is not my point. I am talking about the concept of civilization. World-wide, what we call civilizations, were societies based on human and animal sacrifice. Especially the Maya. Human sacrifice was necessary to keep the Gods satisfied and the world going. If these stories are only partly true, thousands of fellow-Indians, were slaughtered and their bodies were thrown down the temple-stairs. The Maya disappeared because they ran out of victims and started to slaughter their own. Warfare is a second form of human sacrifice. It dominated the civilized world for some 4000 years. Even to this very moment.

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