vrijdag 11 juli 2014

SOMEthing to think about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

Debt is a

weapon of mass-destruction.


Hoezo klimaatverandering
 door Master Klaas (SiTU)

De Sahara was in vroeger tijden een groene oase. Meren, rivieren, savanne en wouden werden bewoond door nomadische, veehoudende stammen. Hun wereld werd bevolkt door neushoorns, giraffes en buffels. De nomaden beeldden zich zelfs zwemmend af!

Hoe we dit weten? Door de honderden rotstekeningen, die in het diepst van de woestijn zijn ontdekt, op plekken waar menselijke bewoning al duizenden jaren onmogelijk is. De pre-historische “kunst” is 25 tot 15.000 jaar oud.

Healing Cancer with Cannabis

The story really begins in 1969 when Rick Simpson’s 22-year-old cousin was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors did an operation, and then afterwards they give him chemo. He dropped from 200 pounds down to 120 pounds. Three years later, in 1972, he came home on vacation. They were talking one day and he collapsed right in front of Simpson. He suspected it was probably the cancer back, but he was hoping it wasn’t. As soon as he went in to seeing the doctors, they just said, “You’ve got three to six months to live.”


Our food is not being poisoned,


Jian, tcm, SiTU

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