maandag 14 juli 2014

SOMEthing to THINK about
Is it part of an ungoing conflict or the start of a war. Experts don't agree about the Gaza/Israel confrontations at the moment.
First some history.
After the Jewish uprising of 69 AD. and the destruction of the 2nd Temple in Jerusalem, the Romans renamed the area “Palestina”, after the Philistines, the arch-enemies of the Israelites.
It stayed “Palestine” untill after World War 1.
The Holy land” was part of the (muslim) Ottoman Empire.
The Ottomans took sides of Germany/Austria at the start of World War 1. After the defeat by the Allied Forces (many Australians fought in Turkey), Great Britain took Palestine. The French annexed Syria.
Among Jews there grew an urge to return to the “Promised land”. And many did.
After the Second World War Jewish support for the Allied cause was rewarded by an own Jewish State, Israel (1948). The rest of the area was another “created” state Palestine (with half of Jerusalem. At first the capital of Israel used to be Tel-Aviv.
Israel was created in the middle of the most hostile area, you can imagine. The surroundng countries, Egypt, Syria and Jordan were defeated several times.
Gain for Israel: Jerusalem and the “Occupied Areas”. Many Palestinians fled the country and eager to return.
From 1948 on, many Jews came to Israel. The Jewish government started building Jewish settlements around Jerusalem and other areas they occupied!
Occupation is an act of war. Denying this, is the cause of the continuation of the conflict. So the Gaza-conflict is the is the result of the illegal act of occupation.
But the Jewish colonists and Hamas-fighters are armed to the teeth are on the look-out for incoming rockets.
On the short term letting the people (the young) of Gaza profit from the economic growth and development in the Jewish part of the country and surrounding countries..

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