zondag 3 augustus 2014

MONKEY MEMO: daily update
Try this.

Step one: Organize

Put a Buddha-statue in front of a blank wall.
Place a burning candle and incense in front of it.
Take your distance (about 10 feet, 3 meters) and
make it yourself comfortable.

Step two: Imprinting

Concentrate on the Buddha and its pattern of light and darkness (shadow). Create a mental picture.

Step three: Visualize

Now, close your eyes and try to visualize, what you just saw.

Step four: Reflection

My guess is, that  you will find it quite difficult.
Instead, when I ask you to visualize your boyfriend or wife, the results will surprise you.
The lesson is:
Pay as much attention to the mythical/spiritual world, as you do to your social network "obligations".

Practise: daily

Memo 3.

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