Profiling Aliens
Origin: Alien defined as alien to human (mammal) species, not meaning extra-terrestrial. Other dimensions and the concept of a Hollow Earth. Earth knows a global tunneling system, mostly submerged. Conclusions if the aliens are a reality and interfering with us and our planet, they are heavily traumatized by a catastrophic event, we remember as (a) Flood.
Obsession with safety, selfishness, superiority feelings (I survived), narcisism and destructivness.
War is the father of all things.
Liniar, rationalistic, digital.
Technological advanced.
TopDown organization, need to know basis, compartimentialized.
Hierarchical, pyramid, secrecy, initialization.
Reptilian mind, sex-obsessed voyeurs
Male, English spoken, US-centered
Nomadic, slash-and-burn
Manipulative, using patsies, (collective) mindcontrol
Used to being served
Extra facilities (hearing, smell, view, processing data)
Code of honour (but not for outsiders)
Capable of (space)flight
No (broader) perspective (argument, art)
Trophy hunters
Survival of the fittest, social Darwinistic, eugenics
Fascist, totalitarian, nationalistic,
the goal justifies the means
Fear of women, fear of the dead, not of death
Vain, like to be pleased, admired
Unable to fully materialize (to love)
Suspicious, practical jokers, cryptic
They love oceans
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