There is a group of entities, that claim to be aliens (humanoid, Nordic), wo are travelling thousands of lightyears to reach planet Earth. They fulfill a task in the ascension of mankind to the 4th and fifth dimension. We are on our way to higher level of consciousness, but we are hindered by evil powers, who exploit us and destroy our natural habitat. These evil entities are called archons or fallen angels. It must be about 200 angels, that we kicked out of heaven and landed on earth. In the beginning they could reign as gods and superbeings. They seduced women and corrupted man. They searched the world for a way out, but all they found were simple setlements of easy living people. They intervened and brought agriculture, astronomy and sword making. This was done deliberately. They feeded them with hatred and anger, which resulted in a continuing state of warfare. From about 10.000 years ago untill now. The fallen angels had not all the same qualities. Some were merely servants other were warriors in the “Army of God”. Lucifer was one of higher ranking angels. Their intervention led to a believe system of “Gods” coming out of the sky, omnipotent and dangerous and always threatened to return or to leave.
The evolutionary path of the angels, including the fallen ones, is different from ours. Instead of evolving to even greater powers, their fysical en mental abilities diminished, while mankind was, despite the warfare, killing and destruction, slowly moving forward. The gods, godesses, supermen and monsters, went into hiding. To maintain their power, they depended more and more on corrupt humans.
In 1952 George van Tassel made public, that he had made contact with Federation of Light. They are coming to us in hugh spacecrafts. These spaceships will finally orbit the Earth, ready to rescue a select group of “Lightworkers” (144.000), when great cataclysms will hit our planet. (for comparison: fundamentalistic Christians believe, that they will be saved the same way (the Rapture).
Ashtar is one of leaders of the Galactic fleet, approaching us. On board is Jesus and his return will result in a collective Messiah. The next step of mankind, will be powered with christ-consciousness.
George Adamski met an actual alien being, whom he saw descending from his spaceship. This happened on the same location as van Tassel had his first communication with the “Ashtar Command”.
I think, that aliens and fallen angels are the same. I think an evil, dark force was dumped here. We have to cope with that. Agression, violence, discriminative behavior and torture are part of a mindframe “alien” to us. It is the concept of dualism which results in a world of have's (a few) and have nots (the rest), macho man and sexy woman, life and death and affluence and starvation. But you can be both!
The tyranny of a satanistic Elite is on its way. Ashtar(oth) is not coming to save us. He landed a long time ago and is ready for the kill.

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