On Tsjernobyl
The area around Tsjerbobyl has been completely evacuated and 50.000 people had to leave their homes in a hurry. They were promised to return in 3 days, but Tsjernobyl is deserted and a no-go area untill now. The radioactivity is still high and dangerous for humans, who are allowed in the “forbidden zone” only for a short time. Some come here to do research on the effects of radioactivity on birds and fish.
It is scientifically proven now, that the total number of birds is declining and the variety is getting less. Many common species have disappeared forever.. Due to the radition birds live shorter, suffer from internal defects and are sterile in lots of cases.. Tsjernobyl is turning into a waste-land. The fish caught around the nuclear plant are relatively small for their age and suffer from deformities.
It will take ten's of thousands of years before radiation levels become acceptable. In the meantime the radiation will have its desastrous effect.
The humans left; animals, birds and fish are slowly dying.

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