Without king David and king Salomon, Judaism and Israel would not exist. This is stated in a NGC -production called:
“Judaism; inside the Torah”. Jewish archeologists are, since the birth of Israel after the Second World War, searching for proof. Did these two kings lay the foundation for a Jewish society and the Judaic religious tradition? Commonly accepted, look out for statements like that!, the Exodus took place around 1200 BC. David would have captured Jerusalem around 1000 BC. His son Salomon
built the first Temple and made Jerusalem a place of wonder and worship, with trade routes to Arabia and Africa (the queen of Sheba).
The stories of David are embedded in regional folklore and in the Bible. There is hardly any evidence. David volunteers to fight a Filistine price fighter called Goliath. This was a giant, over 10 feet tall. The scene depicted is an anomaly. Goliath is wearing the armor of a Greek hero of the 7th century BC. The Filistines themselves, arch-enemies of the Hebrews, were probably refugees. After a volcanic eruption, Crete and other Aegean islands, were flooded by a huge tsunami. The Minoan civilization was destroyed and survivors fled to the Holy Land. They were there before the Jews. Both nations were desperately looking and fighting for a new home land.
Excavations for Salomons temple have not been successful. There is no archeological evidence. Jerusalem was habituated, but is was just a small village. No remnants of walls, palaces or the First Temple have been found. Aninscription that referred to “Solomon's temple” proved out to be a fake. This was a elaborate plot to prove the rightfulness of Israel's existence. Of David it is said, that his name is mentioned on a stele of a local king. This kind names his many victories, one of which was over “the House of David”. After the “Solomon-debacle” experts want to do research on this artifact.
There is some good news though. The temple of Solomon has been found. Not in Jerusalem, but in Syria! Recent excavations have unearthed a big temple-complex which many characteristics of the Temple as described in the Bible. Historical after all?

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