Reincarnation is an aspect of a cycle and due to this fact it differs. In aeons of peace and harmony, retreat and reincarnation is no problem. That changes during times of war, famine and destruction. The reincarnationmodules on the moon start to get overheated and mistakes are made. But this happens all within cycles. At this moment we are nearing the End of the Kali-yuga and a path to the new Golden Age will be opened. Better to speak of a Goden Cage, ruled by the Kalki-Maitreya, ready to appear and manifest himself in 2014 - 2016.
Our society has lost sight on cycles, other dimensions and former and future forms of existence. It is two-dimensional and it's only function is confusion and distraction. It keeps human beings from developing their posiibilities and talents. Telepathy, teleportation and precognition are still faught over as human attributes. At the same the military, police and intelligence all over the world have their own psi-cops and brainpolice.
Everything connects to everything, this happens in cycles. If you ignote the cycles, disaster follows; if you go with the flow, you will have an easy ride.

The Mayans, among others, understood cycles. When you lived a full 52-year cycle, you became an Elder and adviser to the young. They calculated cycles, lasting millions of years! All wit the help of Atlantis of course.
All cycles differ, but they all have one thing in common. They come to an end. A new cycle will start. In the tribulation during a 7 year transition periode wars will break out, foodshortages, economic collapse and so on. At the same time the cosmic wheel of reincarnation will come to a stand-still, before it will slide back- or forwards. But gods, goddesses, angels or demons do exist and they are part of the new cycle too and they long for a fresh, young body and positions of power.
All cycles differ, but they all have one thing in common. They come to an end. A new cycle will start. In the tribulation during a 7 year transition periode wars will break out, foodshortages, economic collapse and so on. At the same time the cosmic wheel of reincarnation will come to a stand-still, before it will slide back- or forwards. But gods, goddesses, angels or demons do exist and they are part of the new cycle too and they long for a fresh, young body and positions of power.

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