He played the music as loud as he dared. It was a song of calling. Earlier generations were programmed by this, and other songs, and it appealed to the rebel in man. And that was exactly what he needed. He, master Jian, had been back on his homeplanet, for a couple of months now. He was shocked by what he saw. In 1989 he had left the mainstream of this society, to undertake a journey into the darkness and beyond. That's when he had discovered and met those alien forces. With some he became friends, but most were sworn ennemies. The latter wanted to see a return of their investments. Earth had untill now been a cosmic laboratory, combined with a place to dump the worst and darkest minds of the cuniverse. But the experiment had gotten out of hand. Inspired and helped by alien intelligence mankind was now ready to conquer the planetary system. Technically they could do it and some did. The latter vanished during the excperiment. But the ambition was still their and when the governments would stop spending money on war and military equipment, the step into space would be easy.
Social engineers of the Empire had infiltrated the world governments and institutions to continue the current level of world warfare and terror. But even here, the military had developed weaponry which could hurt the military forces of the Empire as well. Things threatened to get to the worst and finally the Empire had decided to strip Earth from his resources, after which it could be turned in to the private huntinggrounds of the Emperor and his clique.
Why was our venture to get into space that dangerous? Humans would discover, that they were living in a solar system which was completely artificial and constructed by alien entities, which presence and activity would be clearly visible. Even on the moon, which was in fact an abandoned warfortress.

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