SOMEthing to THINK about
by Jian, tcm, SiTU
Prophesies are predictions regarding the future. Prophesies are embedded in every religious context/construct on Earth.
Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity know prophesies about the End of the world. That's for sure. In recent years we are bombarded with all kinds of doomscenarios,; mostly ending in total destruction, a global cleansing.
Many see the prophesies being fulfilled in this lifetime. War, starvation, epidemics and epic violence, combined will all kinds of natural disasters, are part of our daily reality.
From psychology we know the term “selffulfilling prophesy”; what you expect, is what you get. Others call it the “Nostradamus Effect”; mankind is organizing its own extinction. This force is stronger than reason!
So, we, the 100 monkeys, have to take the battle onto another level.
We have to create our own prophesy. Clear your mind and visualize a bright future.
Meditate on this and start redefining your own environment. Remember, still a majority (of Christians, Muslims) expects/beliefs in the coming battle of Armageddon. There is work to be done. First some info.

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