The Alcione Association is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting and spreading the book ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’ by V.M. Rabolu. To achieve that goal, the Alcione Association is sending free printed copies of that book to any place worldwide.
The book ‘Hercolubus or Red Planet’ is a message to warn Humanity about the approach of Hercolubus, a planet whose name comes from ancient knowledge. That phenomenon is not only a forthcoming fact that everybody will be able to see, but it will also be an event resulting in big upheavals all over the world.
In life’s flow everything comes round again, and Hercolubus, in its former approach, previously put a stop to the Atlantis civilization. These facts, well known by all the sages who in the course of history enjoyed Awakened Consciousness, were communicated through all the stories of ‘world-wide Floods’ coming from different religions and cultures.
Timeless philosophy teaches us that ‘as it is above it is below’ and also ‘the exterior is the reflection of the interior’. So, what is going happen to our world is not a matter of chance or hazard, but the reflection of mankind’s spiritual quality or level. Spiritual Masters and Guides have periodically taught and advised that any civilization moving away from cosmic laws and principles will have to face tough tests in order to realise its errors and to start a deep change.
V.M. Rabolú was one of those people who enjoyed the faculties of Awakened Consciousness, which let him investigate the very reason of our current situation: our Consciousness is trapped and cannot fully express, thus leading us to errors and lack of enlightenment. V.M. Rabolú managed to point out in a really clear way the path to liberate ourselves internally and to achieve complete self-realization.
We have picked out the next paragraphs from his book `Hercolubus or Red Planet´:
‘Every human being carries a Divine Spark within, called the Soul, Buddhata or Essence. Well, it has various names, but in reality it is a Divine Spark that motivates us and gives us strength to begin a spiritual work, such as that I am teaching you here. This Essence or Soul is trapped in all our wickedness, defects or psychological selves, which are called esoterically `Ego´. They do no allow the Essence to express itself freely, because it is they who take over the voice and command of a person.’
‘But through the work of the disintegration of the defects the Essence grows, becomes stronger, and manifests itself with more clarity and with more strength. It is gradually transformed into Soul.’
‘Such is our Ego and that of Humanity: the thick roots, which hold up the tree, symbolise the main defects like lust, revenge, anger, pride and many others. And the small roots represent the details: those tiny manifestations that belong to such and such defect, which we do not see as a defect but in fact they nourish it.’
‘We must begin to observe ourselves, to see the thousands and thousands of negative details that we have, which sustain the trunk.’
‘What I am teaching you here is to be put into practice, into action. Wherever you go, whether you are working or whatever you are doing, you need to pay attention to the mind, the heart and the sexual centre. These are the three centres where every defect manifests itself.’
The new era will certainly need human beings who have a developed Essence or Soul, people who will have worked upon themselves in a conscious way.
V.M. Rabolú teaches in his book the techniques to eliminate our psychological defects and how to achieve astral projection as the only existing way to overcome the forthcoming cataclysm. He finishes by saying:‘Dear reader: I am speaking very clearly so that you understand the need to start working seriously. Whoever is working will be rescued from the danger. This is not for you to make up theories or hold discussions, but to experience the true teaching that I am giving in this book. We can resort to nothing else.’
gepost door bEAGLEFAN @ 01:02
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