Plato said, that Atlantis was fact, not fiction. And he was right. Before the great cataclysm, who some name the Flood, which in fact was a giant tsunami, caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Some of it was “man-made”, experiments and research by the Atlantean Elite in their search for immortality. In the end Atlantis was a hedonistic society, searching for total domination. The esoteric and spiritual knowledge was marginalized and Atlantis had degenerated in a caste-system with demi-gods at the top. For the ruling elite the caste-system was the perfect way to rule the earth. Everybody knew its place and destiny and the people even worshipped the demi-gods, who controlled them and asked for the ultimate sacrificve. Giving you life for a entity, which only existed in your mind.
One must remember, that Plato describes the citadel of Atlantis in detail, this is where the great Temple of Poseidon is situated. The walls were build of red, white and black stones.
These colors must remind you of something. Not too long ago these colors dominated the world and and the thoughts of many. Yes, I am talking about NAZI-Germany. They proudly chose these colors for their banners and added an old, Atlantean, symbol to it. The Swastika. Atlantis in the latter and disastrous form, was a fascist society.
Hitler, Himmler and other Nazi-big shots stronly believed in Atlantis and the Aryan super-race, which once ruled the world. They were tall, blue eyed and fierce warriors. Heinrich Himmler organised a breeding-program to re-create the Aryan superrace. He started the organization “Lebensborn”. SS-members were used as studs for the unmarried women. Chuldren with Aryan looks were taken from their families and deported to Germany. Polish historians claim, that about 200.000 childred were kidnapped from Poland alone. In the “Heimat” these children were adopted and eventually joined the “Hitlerr-Jugend”.
There is nothing idyllic about Atlantis, at least in his latest cycle. There is no future for a society who regards most of his members as inferior beings. Some because of their race, some by their gender or sexual preferences. But most of all by their ignorance. We are looked down upon. By aristocrats, politicians, billionaires and economic profiteurs. We have our role to play in preparing a new feudal, caste like global society. This is the heritage of Atlantis as it is used by the global Elite.

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