zaterdag 7 juni 2014

Recently a small statue of the Buddha was discovered in Berlin. It sounds strange, because it originated from Tibet.
It was part of collection of religious and historical artifacts, collected during a Nazi-expedition in 1938. But what reason did the Germans have to visit “the roof of the world” and its (forbidden) capital, Lhasa.
The expedition was organized and payed for, by an unknown, but important Nazi-Organzation. Founded in 1935 by Heinrich Himmler, the SS-leader, and was named “Ahnenerbe” (legacy of the forefathers). It started as a “think tank”, with ther task to prove the superiority of the Aryan race, to research traditional, Germanic customs and history and to indoctrinate the SS-recrutes and the German population by lectures, pamflets, pagan festivals and symbols. For Heinrich Himmler (and many other leading Nazis) the mythological background was very important. Renewing Germany and empowering its people meant the recovery of a glorious past and founding its supremacy. The Aryan race, former inhabitants of Atlantis, had degenerated and purification was necessary. The powers of the “Ubermensch” would reappear.
This is was, why the Nazis went to Tibet. According to Himmler, survivors of Atlantis lived in the Himalayan mountains. During their travels, the scientists took measures of the local population and made facial masks, to proof their point. But “Ahnenerbe” sponsored several expeditions, all over the world, to collect evidence of Germany's superior past and proof of the task the Germans had, on the road to world supremacy.
Ahnenerbe even performed a trip to Antarctica, which is discussed about, even to this day. The polar surveyor “Schwabenland” had the use of an aeroplane, which flew over an uncharted part of the continent and dropped down Nazi-flags, with a swastika, claiming the area for “das Reich”.(Neuschwabenland) Persistent rumors claim, that Germany had an important base. At the end of the war, top-Nazis (including Adolf Hitler) fled to the south to the secret base. Proof of its existence could be operation “High Jump”. This American navy expedition (4000 men, several ships, a submarine and planes) sailed, under admiral Byrd, shortly after the end of WW2 towards Antarctica. The planes and ships are said to have been attacked by ufo's, coming out of the water. The ufo's carried a swastika! Byrd lost a ship and some planes and retreated to South-America. Admiral Byrd is also known for his flight into the Hollow Earth at the North Pole, where he met “Ancient Masters”. Admiral Byrd is not a reliable witness, though he is a remarkable man. The existence of a Nazi base and a Nazi-ufo alliance is not probable. "Ahnenerbe" tried to obtain a medieval manuscript, a copy of the “Germania”, written by the Roman historian Tacitus. The author wrote extremely positive about the heroism, fighting power and culture of the German opponents of the legions. Mussolini had promised the manuscript in 1936, but did not deliver. The SS also planned the foundation of German settlements in the East. The local population would be deported.
But is was not only archeology, paganism, music, anthropology and exotic expeditions, that kept the staff of “Ahnenerbe” busy. They also studied the weather.
Weather predictions were extremely import. Especially in wartime. Bomber raids, U-boot attacks and land campaigns, all depended on the weather. If it was possible to have correct long-term predictions, the German forces would have an advantage. In the Baltic engineers tried to “take pictures” of Allied ships in the Northern Atlantic and “remote viewing” was practiced to determine the location of convoys. No direct results are known.
Then why was SS-member and director Wolfram Siebers during the Nuremburg trials sentenced to death?
In 1939 the “Institute for Military Scientific Research” was attached to “Ahnenerbe”. Wolfram Siebers was head of this department, which did experiment on human beings in the concentration camp of Dachau. Jews and other prisoners were exposed to extreme cold or heat or to a vacuum. The data were needed by the Luftwaffe, who wanted to know the possible effects to prepare their pilots. New medicines were tested on living humans. To test a new medicine against excessive bleeding, prisoners were deliberately shot or amputated (without anesthesia). This testing went on on during the war. In 1944, special seawater experiments took place.
"Ahnenerbe" collected evidence of Germanic racial superiority. In 1941 Siebers started the collection of 120 Jewish skulls, for scientific research.
Wolfram Siebers was sentenced to death in Nuremberg and hanged on 2 june 1948 in Landsberg prison. A Tibetan ceremony was held over his body. He was the only prominent member of "Ahnenerbe" who received the death penalty. In later trials members of “Ahnenerbe” received relatively light sentences. The scientists, doctors, university professors, anthropologists, archeologists, historians and philosophers active within this SS-department, went silent, slipped out of sight and started rebuilding Germany.

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