woensdag 25 juni 2014

Perigord in July 2012 – Prehistoric art
cave-painting Perigord (France)

SOMEthing to THINK about

According to scientists Earth has endured several “Ages of Ice”. Big parts of the surface of our planet were covered by thick glaciers.

The last Ice age ended about 15.000 years ago.

But the world was not dominated by ice and snow everywhere.

We, in Europe, tend to think about primitive man, surviving in caves and hunting woolly mammoths.

This may be true for France, but in the same period the Sahara was not a dessert, but an area with lush vegetation, rivers, lakes and wildlife (giraf, rhino) and PEOPLE.

These people lived in groups and herded cattle and hunted the many animals.

How do we know?

Because of the cave-paintngs found in the Sahara-dessert. An creative activity, they shared with their Northern contemporaries in France.
Prehistoric cave paintings. Marmar Tassili. Tibesti Massif. Sahara ...
cave-painting Sahara

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