zondag 8 juni 2014




My parents bought their first television-set, when I was 11 years old. Black and white, 3 channels (2 German) and not 24/7. There were days without tv.

The first tv's were massive and could be repaired. Massive too were the first generations remote-controles; they had the size of a shoe-box!

It was possible too manipulate television-sets from a distance.

And that is, what we did.

We wandered through suburbia while resetting or stopping t.v's. Interesting was the walk back. In the targeted mansions, everybody was standing, gesturing, around the television; not knowing what to do.

Why am I telling you this?

Because the same process is repeating itself. There are global problems, while everybody is standing around a flatscreen; not knowing what to do.

It's time to search for and find the guys, (outside and in the dark), who manipulate the remote-controle.

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