zondag 8 juni 2014

Roswell is the most famous and one of the oldest UFO-sightings and had a hughe conspiracy follow-up. Unfortunately enough (for the government) in a first press-release, the US Airforce stated, that they had recovered a crashed ufo. Before that, local farmers had found “alien” material on their land and eye-witnesses reported dead bodies of small people (3 – 4 feet, uniformed and with big, black eyes), that were transported to a nearby hospital.
Soon after the headlines about extraterrestrial visitors appeared in the newspapers, the Air Force admitted their mistake. They didn't retrieve a spacecraft, but a weather balloon!
But the debate did not stop and even after years, new witnesses came into the open. On the internet a “real” autopsy on an alien body, retrieved at Roswell, can be found. And even after 60 years new data appear and research is done.
Roswell, New Mexico, is an military airport, home of the nuclear bombers, that brought Japan on their knees.
False memories, hallucinations, narcism and brain (memory) dysfunction, are just a few qualifications, experts label believers with. But they made real observations. They were not of alien nature, but manmade. Roswell was the center of all kind of secret experiment. Special balloons, to detect nuclear explosions. It is not just the balloon. Necessary to lift a laboratory the size of a small house. The bodies, the farmers saw, were just crash test dummies or monkeys.. This explained the bodies in the field. The autopsies were performed on bodies of American soldiers, killed in a plane crash. All this was top-secret and witnesses were threatened. The Air Force is also responsible for many ufo-sightings. The future vehicles, that would explore Mars, were launched from Roswell. The Mars-lander looks like a flying saucer. Roswell explained? Case closed? An urban legend?
I don't know. It's a lot of coincidence, packed together. Rewriting history?
In the “Bermuda Triangle”, shortly after WW2, Flight 19 disappeared without a trace. A rescue plane suffered the same fate. The Avenger-bombers finally had to land on the water, but none of the crew survived or were ever found. This story fed the theory, that the “Bermuda Triangle” is a dangerous place. Over the years many ships and airplanes have disappeared without a trace.
Divers search the clear waters of the Caribbean. They try to find Atlantis, lost shipwrecks and planes. Recently a number of Avenger-aircraft were found on the bottom of the ocean. The mystery of Flight 19 seems solved. But further research made clear, that this was not the case. Air Force documents proved, that the wrecked planes were the result of other accident. Finding the planes together, was just a coincidence.

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