vrijdag 11 juli 2014


Search for the origins of the words you use. You will find connections with other languages (and differences). The roots of your vocal language reach far back. Do all languages go back to one global pre-Sanskrit language (and writing, landscaping), used by Atlanteans and dating from before the Flood?

I'll give you an example of two totally different concepts and use, resulting in two completely different words. But first some archeo-history.

One of the Archangels and a favorite of the Lord, was called Lucifer. His task was guiding and teaching the culture developing.

But Lucifer was cast out of heaven, with 200 other, fallen, Angels. Lucifer, became Satan, the Devil, deceiver of mankind and tempting them, quite succesfully, into sin and a one-way ticket into hell, the domain of the Dark Lord.

You all know the meaning of the word “matches”.

waterproof matches 6f these waterproof matches can be a real lifesaver ...

In Dutch matches are called “lucifers”, sticks of the Devil, formerly the Morning Star, the bringer of LIGHT.

Is this the work of Satan and his demons? If so, what more “devils tricks” do we utter daily.


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