maandag 30 september 2013


by Jian, tcm, SiTU


was a global problem

from the beginning!

zondag 29 september 2013

SOMEthing to THINK about

At the end of the Roman, French, Ottoman and German Empires

the public attention was focused on cooking and the “master-chefs” were the real society heroes.

SOMEthing to think about

  • Wouldn't it be great if we actually found intelligent life on this planet?

zaterdag 28 september 2013


UN votes to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons: The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to secure and destroy Syria's chemical weapons stockpile, a landmark decision...

Indian gems found in Alps may be given to climber: An unnamed young French alpinist, who stumbled on a chest of Indian jewels while climbing a glacier in...

Footballer Lionel Messi in court for tax fraud case: Messi arrived by car shortly before 11:00 am (0900 GMT) and walked up to the entrance of the...

Typewriters log out PCs in anti-espionage operations: Spooked by threats of wire-tapping and snooping, Indian diplomatic staff have dusted out their typewriters.

Death toll in Mumbai building collapse rises to 53: The death toll in yesterday's four-storey building's collapse in Mumbai mounted to 53, with 18 more bodies being...

US offers ‘closest partner’ India top-end defence tech: Remember the ''we are just good friends'' refrain from Bollywood pairs who didn’t particularly want the world to...

Ancient Aliens Season 5 Episode 1 Secrets of the Pyramids

„Veel betogers Sudan in het hoofd geschoten” - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Terrorist ontmaskerd die als slachtoffer wilde ontsnappen - BUITENLAND - PAROOL

vrijdag 27 september 2013

'Gifgas Syrië was homemade'
'Gifgas Syrië was homemade' Het sarin-gas dat gebruikt werd bij een aanval in Syrië, is huisgemaakt. Dat heeft de Russische minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Sergej Lavrov gezegd.

North Korea may learn to miniaturize nuclear warhead for ICBMs in few tests: researcher (Yonhap)
North Korea may be one test shy of developing a technology to miniaturize a nuclear warhead small enough to fit on its long-range ballistic missile, a researcher says

137 hostages killed in Nairobi mall siege: Shabaab: Somalia's al-Shabaab insurgents claimed on Wednesday 137 hostages they had seized died in a Nairobi shopping mall siege,...

dinsdag 24 september 2013


Don't treat gun violence as routine tragedy: Obama: President Barack Obama made an impassioned plea on Sunday for Americans to overcome their "creeping resignation" about gun...

Over 1,000 dengue cases in Delhi in 3 weeks: More than 1,000 dengue cases were reported in the past three weeks, underlining the alarming spread of the...

INDIA: 62% of petrol used by two-wheelers, 27% by cars: The govt touted petrol as rich man’s fuel to stop subsidy. But a latest survey shows 62% of...

UN climate experts stress solidity of new report: The landmark report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is expected to state with more confidence than...

Heads roll after Angela Merkel allies' poll fiasco: The FDP -- which had spent more time in governments, always as a junior partner, than any other...

Earthquake kills 80 people in southwest Pakistan: The death toll may increase as officials fear more people could be buried under the rubble of collapsed...

Scientists discover 'black holes' at sea: Some of the largest ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the mysterious black holes of space,...

Meet BlackBerry buyer, India-born Prem Watsa: Like billionaire Warren Buffett, Watsa preaches a long view that suggests it may be too early to assess...

Israeli forces enter Nairobi mall to end carnage: Report: Heavy gunfire could be heard as Kenyan security officials said they were attempting to kill or capture the...

maandag 23 september 2013

Schokkende beelden uit winkelcentrum Nairobi
Schokkende beelden uit winkelcentrum Nairobi Omstreeks zaterdagmiddag lokale tijd werd het Westgate Shopping Center in Nairobi aangevallen door gemaskerde gewapende mannen.

Bloedbad door aanslag op kerk in Pakistan - Kerknieuws - Kerk & Religie


Een volgeling loopt

achter de feiten aan.

dM, SiTU

zondag 22 september 2013

SOMEthing to think about

Improve your skills, knowledge and capabilities.

These are the best tools

to survive the coming economic/financial collapse.

dM, SiTU


Walking is healthier than running.

dM, SiTU



zaterdag 21 september 2013

Rusland: 'Bewijzen dat rebellen achter gifgasaanval zitten'
Rusland: 'Bewijzen dat rebellen achter gifgasaanval zitten' Syrië heeft Rusland materiaal bezorgd dat de schuld van de gifgasaanval bij de rebellen legt.

vrijdag 20 september 2013

Ongekende gruwel van de oorlog: kinderen doodgemarteld in Syrische ziekenhuizen
Ongekende gruwel van de oorlog: kinderen doodgemarteld in Syrische ziekenhuizen Patiënten en verplegend personeel in ziekenhuizen zijn in Syrië steeds vaker het doelwit van militairen. Kinderen in ziekenhuizen worden gemarteld, soms tot ze overlijden aan hun verwondingen.

donderdag 19 september 2013



A Fourth Reich In The Sun - Hitler S Escape To Argentina [Video]
A Fourth Reich In The Sun - Hitler s Escape to Argentina

woensdag 18 september 2013

Don't attack Hindus in Muslim lands: Al-Qaida chief

Don't attack Hindus in Muslim lands: Al-Qaida chief: Ayman al-Zawahiri also endorsed the right of militants to fight Russians in the Caucasus, Indians in Kashmir and...

Gunman kills 4 in Austria, stand-off ongoing: A gunman in Austria killed four people, including three police officers, and was firing sporadically today at police...

dinsdag 17 september 2013

Shooting spree at US naval base leaves 13 dead: Police identified the alleged shooter as 34-year-old Aaron Alexis, of Forth Worth, Texas, who served full-time in the...

Help Obama de 3e wereldoorlog mogelijk te maken! | Earth Matters ...
(Agus Judistira) Obama heeft nog 1,6 triljoen dollar nodig voor de derde wereld oorlog. Dit is een fundraiser om dat mogelijk te maken. Because Obama!

zondag 15 september 2013

Syrië: compromis over chemische wapens in de maak, mogelijk volgt vredesconferentie
Syrië: compromis over chemische wapens in de maak, mogelijk volgt vredesconferentie Er zit beweging in de Russisch-Amerikaanse onderhandelingen over Syrië. De VS zou toch genoegen nemen met een VN-resolutie zonder militaire optie, maar behoudt zich wel het recht voor om zelf aan te vallen. Er wordt ook gepraat over een bredere vredesconferentie voor Syrië.

zaterdag 14 september 2013


The American Congress is the first, democratic elected, authority, that can choose to fulfill an apologetic Biblical prophesy,

by voting in favour of the destruction of Damascus.

Let's pray the drones don't hit

Assad's biological weapons.

Jian. The crazy monk, SiTU

vrijdag 13 september 2013

Doden en gewonden door aanval op consulaat VS – MetroDoden en gewonden door aanval op consulaat VS

donderdag 12 september 2013

Martelpraktijken (Abu Ghraib) in Irak 2003-2013

woensdag 11 september 2013


India home to 1,250 uber-rich women: For Indians, there is something to cheer for under the gloom of falling rupee. At 16%, India has...

Class is seen dividing Harvard Business School: Is class a more divisive issue at Harvard Business School than gender?

Afghan police arrest 2 for Sushmita Banerjee's murder

One-third of food produced globally wasted annually: One-third of food produced worldwide is wasted annually while 870 million people go hungry daily, a Food and...

Woman fakes pregnancy, arrested with 'cocaine bump' in Colombia: Colombian police say they have arrested a Toronto woman who simulated pregnancy to try to smuggle cocaine.

Arctic ice shrinking in volume too: Report: European Space Agency aid that in April this year, the Arctic's crust of ice was the thinnest observed...

Changing China set to shake world economy, again: Once concerns about US monetary policy fade, a more profound issue will dog global policymakers: how to handle...

Pak army targets 5 Indian posts along LoC: In a fresh ceasefire violation, Pakistani troops on Wednesday opened unprovoked firing on five Indian forward posts along...

No Indian university figures in top 200 global list: Not a single Indian university is among the world’s top 200, according to a new global ranking.

Gold hits 3-week low, loses safe haven appeal: Gold is one of the biggest items in a record current account deficit that has helped push the...

Assad Hints At Another 9/11 If Attacked By U.S.
Assad Hints at Another 9/11 If Attacked By U.S.

dinsdag 10 september 2013

De gruwelijke video's die het Amerikaanse Congres moeten overtuigen
De gruwelijke video's die het Amerikaanse Congres moeten overtuigen Een compilatie van gruwelijk video's moet de Amerikaanse Congresleden overtuigen om voor een militaire interventie in Syrië te stemmen.


For the first time, a dozen dolphins spotted in Beas: For the first time, the officials of Harike wildlife sanctuary, 60km from Amritsar, have spotted 12 Indus dolphins,...

US leaves door open to new UN vote on Syria strike: The United States left the door open on Sunday to seeking a United Nations security council resolution that...

Assad denies ordering chemical attack; US lawmakers question Obama's approach: Several prominent US lawmakers said they have not been persuaded to approve strikes against Syrian President Assad's forces.

Wrestling regains place on Olympic sports roster: Wrestling completed an unprecedented Olympic comeback, reclaiming its spot in 2020 Tokyo Games after beating bids from squash...

NSA can access most smartphone data: Report: The US National Security Agency is able to crack protective measures on iPhones, BlackBerry and Android devices, giving...

107-year-old US man killed in SWAT shootout: A 107-year-old Arkansas man was killed during a shootout with US police and SWAT team members, local authorities...

Syria positive about Russian appeal to surrender chemical weapons: Syria's foreign minister said his country welcomes Russia's proposal for it to place its chemical weapons under international...

India's new border posts 'provocative': Chinese expert: India's plan to set up 35 new border posts along the India, China border has sparked off concerns...

maandag 9 september 2013

India, France to kick off high-altitude combat exercise: As part of the strategic partnership between India and France, soldiers from the two countries will hold a...


Als je kunt delen,

heb je altijd genoeg.

dM, SiTU


On the 1st of September 1939 Hitler's troops invaded Poland. A prisoner was dressed up in Polish uniform, shot and presented as a Polish attacker. The Polish troops were no match for the “Wehrmacht”. On horse-back they attacked the German “Panzer”. The Luftwaffe bombarded Warschau and after 2 months Poland surrendered. Hitler had instructed his troops that it would be a violent and heroic fight, with no mercy to the opponent or the civilians. This was a war of occupation and extermination.

Many forget, that Soviet Russia held a nonaggression pact with Adolf Hitler. In exchange for wheat and oil, the German factories even sold war-equipment to their future enemy. As gesture of good-will Hitler invited Josef Stalin to invade and occupy the east of Poland. The Red Army did not hesitate and quickly invaded the area and decided with the Nazis about their new border. One should expect, that France and England would declare war on Russia, but they did not.

Hitler invaded Russia in June 1941 and made the occupation of Poland complete. But the Soviets, who had their own ideas about the occupation and domination of Eastern Europe, used their time well. More than 20.000 army officers, policeman, anti-communists, professors and teachers were rounded up, put in death-camps and executed in the end. This war crime became known as “the massacre of Katyn”. It was a deliberate act to eliminate future opposition.

Strangely enough the mass-graves were discovered by the Germans in 1943. They tried to use these atrocities in their propaganda campaign against the Soviet animals. In fact nobody believed the Nazis and blamed it on the German's themselves. Especially Stalin. He publicly stated that the Soviet Union had nothing to do with the mass-murder in the forests of Katyn. The Allies believed him and “Katyn” became part of the genocide, the holocaust and crimes against humanity the “Reich” had committed.

It took till 1990, that the Soviet Union officially recognized that it was responsible for the murders. It was all organized by the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police). The orders were signed by Beria, head of the secret police, and by Stalin. The orders said explicitly that the 8000 officers of the Polish Army had to be put to death. Still the former Soviet Union recognizes only 1872 victims and refuses to recognize “Katyn” as genocide or a war-crime. In France, you cannot say this, still. Officially Katyn is part of the holocaust. Denying (this part of) the holocaust in France is punishable by law.


The uniforms the NAZIs wore,

were designed by


dM, SiTU


Onlusten in Chili na mars voor slachtoffers Pinochet - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Gewapende mannen schieten 29 mensen neer in Guatemala - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Militanten uit Sinaï claimen aanslag minister Egypte - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Doden bij aanval op Nigeriaans dorp door Boko Haram - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

India zet leger in na gevechten hindoes en moslims - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

'Opleving van al-Qaeda mogelijk in Syrië' – Metro

'Bewijs gifgasaanval niet waterdicht' – Metro

zondag 8 september 2013


Watering a plant, feeding the birds or your pets is a life-giving act, which should be performed with the utmost attention, care and love.

The powers of nature will answer.

dM, SiTU

vrijdag 6 september 2013

SOMEthing to think about

Tijdens oorlogsgeweld gevallen slachtoffers zijn voor 80 tot 90% burgers (35 procent daarvan kinderen).

Bij de aanschaf van de JSF kiest de legertop voor een wapen, dat door zijn vernietigende slagkracht, bij inzet, nog meer onschuldige burgers het leven gaat kosten.

dM. SiTU

His Master's Voice



donderdag 5 september 2013

Obama: 'I Didn't Set A Red Line' On Syria
Obama: 'I Didn't Set a Red Line' on Syria

Russia Releases Key Findings On Chemical Attack Near Aleppo
Russia releases key findings on chemical attack near Aleppo

Interventie Syrië: 'Niet gifgas, maar oliebelangen bepalen strategie'
Interventie Syrië: 'Niet gifgas, maar oliebelangen bepalen strategie'
'Een militaire interventie in Syrië wordt niet alleen ingegeven door het nobele doel om het gebruik van chemische wapens te stoppen, maar ook door de drang om de olie- en gaswinning in handen te houden', stelt Nafeez Ahmed, directeur van het Britse Instituut voor Politiek Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling.

Palestijnen vinden vredesgesprekken met Israël zinloos
Palestijnen vinden vredesgesprekken met Israël zinloos Ruim een maand na de hervatting van de vredesgesprekken met Israël hebben de Palestijnen zich pessimistisch uitgelaten. Ze eisen meer druk van de Amerikaanse regering op Israël.


'Al-Qaida in Pak developing system to counter drones': Al-Qaida leadership is still active inside Pakistan and it has been seriously working to develop counter measures to...

US Senate resolution on Syria bars ground forces: The Senate resolution authorizing Obama to use military force against Syria would bar American ground troops for combat...

India jewel in crown of Microsoft's Nokia buy: India plays a big role in Nokia's global operations at present. It is the second-biggest phone market for...

Thousands of Islamists take to Egypt's streets again: Thousands of supporters of overthrown Islamist president Mohamed Morsi took to the streets in towns and cities across...

Obama on Syria action: This is not Iraq or Afghanistan: Barack Obama said he was confident he would be able to work with the US Congress to pass...

Pak says it has robust control system for nuke arsenal: Pakistan on Tuesday reacted to a report on US concerns about its nuclear arsenal by saying it has...

1 dead, several hurt in Houston-area school stabbing: One person was killed and several others injured in a stabbing incident Wednesday at a suburban high school...

Chinese official 'drowned by interrogators': A Chinese official was allegedly drowned by investigators who stripped him naked and held him down in a...

Snowden a 'strange guy', set for tough life, Putin says: The Russian president today said US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, who received asylum in Russia, is a "strange...

Rocket fired by Afghan police to catch fish kills 6 kids: Afghan security forces have arrested eight policemen for accidentally killing six children when firing a rocket into a...

Nepal's smugglers cash in on India's love of gold: After a long drive from across the border in China, the white truck arrived in Nepal's capital at...

woensdag 4 september 2013


We are calling the Gods to destroy us.

dinsdag 3 september 2013



We are on the brink of a major escalation of the Syrian crisis. The USA wants to punish the Syrian regime for the attacks with nerve-gas.

It's now all about the credibility of the USA.

By NOT launching cruise-missiles, Obama cs. Would loose face and her credibility with enemy and ally.

Republicans and some Democrats see this as a valid reason to attack. Loosing credibility is the worst thing that could happen to our only super-power.

But does the USA have any credibility left?

I think most inhabitants of our planet would be glad, when Obama decided NOT to strike.

Those who don't are loyal servants of the

military-industrial complex.

Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

UFO 2013 !!! SYRIAN WAR City Of Aleppo - August 2013 [Video]UFO 2013 !!! SYRIAN WAR City of Aleppo - August 2013

Russia Detects Launch Of Two Ballistic Rockets In Mediterranean Sea
Russia detects launch of two ballistic rockets in Mediterranean sea

maandag 2 september 2013



The rebel-fighters in Syria cannot handle modern military equipment and many incidents have occured recently.

The most important one resulted in the sarin-attack in Damascus.

Latest information, confirmed by the rebels, must make us believe, that the rockets with sarin-gas, were launched, BY ACCIDENT,

by the insurgents themselves.

Assad did not do it, our Syrian forces on the ground did it. They did not even know, that the rockets were weapons-of-mass-destruction.

By accident they were launched.

Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU

George Galloway HEATED Speech British Parliament Debate On Military Action Against Syria. 8/29/2013 [Video]

Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack On Syria [Video]
Shocking Story That Could Derail Attack on Syria

In beeld: Wereldwijde protestacties tegen oorlog in Syrië
In verschillende steden overal ter wereld komen mensen op straat om te protesteren tegen een militaire interventie in Syrië. In beeld: Wereldwijde protestacties tegen oorlog in Syrië