donderdag 31 oktober 2013

SOMEthing to THINK about

door Master Klaas (SiTU)

Nu de Somalische piraten verdwenen zijn, heeft de Nederlandse Marine de tijd om te oefenen.

Waar we beter op kunnen trainen.

SiTU Memo: On Conspiracy

Conspiracy. It's the last resort for human failure. The disaster or misfortune is due to a conspiracy. Covert groups, who hide in the dark and gather in secret to manipulate the world and to conspire against the traditional powers.

Hardly anyone talks abouit the goals of these conspirators. In recent years several groups are named, like the Knights Templar, the Jews, Freemasons, the Japanese maffia or the Illuminati, to name just af few. But they hide in secrecy and officially those groups don't exist. They hide so to say in plain side.

Dan Brown had gotten famous by using this insight and he brought many things in plain sight, which were planned to be kept hidden for a while. But he was right. This unknown world of long-term conspiracies, some as ancient as classical Egypt, manifests itself in symbols and symbols within symbols. Some of them are small, some concern the lay-out of whole cities. For instance Washington D.C. Or the allignment between the Eastern American cities. Hardly anyone knows, that Washington is, in fact an independent city-state, like the Vatican and the City of London. Places which are packed with monuments, churches, statues and fountains. Hardly anybody sees that the Statue of Liberty is in fact an ancient Greek goddess, with a dubious reputation. Which goes for all the gods and godesses.

Simplified one can say, that all these conspirators are aiming at a New World Order. With a world economy and a world religion; dominated by an Elite, with ancient roots.

I told you. Many symbols are hidden in plain side and nobody seems to notice them. The conspirators are getting more and more daring. In the last century they even constructed a colossal monument on which the formulated the goals of this New World Order. I am talking of the so-called Georgia Guidestones.

In june 1979 a person, operating under the name of C.R. Christian hired the Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure, which consists of 6 granite slabs 5.5 meters high and weighing more than 110.000 kilo's. A message of ten guidelines are inscribed in eight modern laguages. At the top a shorter message is placed in four ancient languages: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs. A seperate stone provides us with some notes on the history.

Let's focus on the 10 guidelines or “rules” for the future of man kind..

1.Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2.Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.

3.Unite humanity with a living new language.

4.Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.

5.Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6.Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7.Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8.Balance personal rights with social duties.

9.Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.

10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave ]room for nature - Leave room for nature.

These guidelines have been much dicussed, but again the truth is hidden in plain sight. The first guide for mankind is to reduce itself to about 15 percent of the current world population. About 6 billion people on earth have to disappeare. How to achieve this goal? Now we are talking conspiracy, BIG TIME!”


The code-name for Hitler's invasion of Russia was “Operation Barbarossa”. Barbarossa (Redbeard)was an important and victorious German king, who contributed to the expansion to the east, of the “Holy Roman Empire”. An area Hitler had to reconquer, like Poland, before he would surpass this medieval Empire. You may think, that they picked the right name for the big leap east. But there is more. Barbarossa has become part of a legend, which reminds me of the legendary King Arthur. Like Arthur, the Germans believed, that Barbarossa was not dead and would return, with his army, to fight and win the decisive final battle for Germany's European supremacy.

The leading Nazis were way up into the occult. They believed to be the decendants of the Aryan masterrace, which originated in Atlantis. In Vienna the “spear of Longines”, the Roman soldier, who punctured Jesus at the cross, was kept but immediately after the annexation the holy relic was transported to Berlin. Why? The owner of the spear, would be invincable in battle. Well, Barbarossa didn't appear and the “Spear of Destiny” is back in Vienna.

The program outlines how the racialist theories of the SS were drawn from archaeology, myth and legend, as well as selected history. Nazi ideas about "Aryans" and the "master race" came out of historical and ethnic fantasies in which legends such as the Holy Grail and the lost city of Atlantis — supposed to be a home of the Aryan race — played their part.

Hitlers Search For The Holy Grail

woensdag 30 oktober 2013

SOMEthing to THINK about

Er zijn altijd voldoende redenen om


te zeggen.

Maar waarom zou je?

dM, SiTU

dinsdag 29 oktober 2013



Hoovers Macht nährte sich aus den Informationen, die er hatte. Er kannte alle kleinen Geheimnisse und schmutzigen Geschichten des politischen Washingtons, sowie der Glamourwelt Hollywoods. Unermüdlich und akribisch stellte er daraus seine geheimen Dossiers zusammen. Er benutzte sein Wissen selten, aber er ließ die Betroffenen gerne wissen, dass er wusste... Die detailreiche Dokumentation der kanadischen Filmemacher lässt den Zuschauer teilhaben an der rasanten Karriere Hoovers vom kleinen Boten in der Kongressbibliothek bis zum Strippenzieher ganz, ganz oben. Sie erzählt von schmutzigen politischen Machenschaften, heißen Affären, vom Mythos der G-men, den Spezialagenten des FBI, die für ihn unermüdlich im Einsatz waren. Hoover galt lange als der Held und große Beschützer der USA. Erst nach seinem Tod erfuhr die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit von den oft schamlosen Eingriffen in die Privatsphäre, durch die Hoover an seine Informationen gekommen war. Der Ruf des FBI war stark beschädigt. Und es dauerte lange, bis das Federal Bureau sich davon wieder erholte. Heute, in Zeiten starker Bedrohung durch internationalen Terrorismus, so dokumentiert der Film, gibt es jedoch wieder Menschen in den USA, die ernsthaft die Frage stellen, ob ein starker Mann wie Hoover nicht auch heute gut wäre für das Land.

FBI - Die dunkle Macht


The Master opened the deck of cards, as if he was greeting old friends. The cards seemed to come to life, to radiate energy. This sensation lasted only a couple of secnds. Laura's host closed the deck again and laid them in front of him. She felt, that this was a special moment. The man in front of him seemed to be meditating and slid in a kind of trance. But it was also special for her. The cards have been in her possession quite some time and she felt an urge to learn more about them. Bringing them to this place and, seemingly to the rightful owner, had tied her destiny to these mysterious objects.

They were thought to be lost, but nothing is lost forever.”

It was El, who had spoken. Some way, she had entered the room, without her noticing it. She bowed towards the Master and made the same sigh as her sister, by touching her rightshoulder. He nodded. “Sit down, I have important information for both of you. When I am through, you both will know more about the battle you have become part of.”

Het is geen teken van gezondheid,
als jij je hebt aangepast
aan een ziekmakende samenleving.



HARLINGEN: BEURTSTOOMBOOT 'PRINS VAN ORANJE' (foto genomen tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog)

maandag 28 oktober 2013


Addiction ain't so bad. Except addiction to violence.
dM, SiTU


zondag 27 oktober 2013


The railway station was build 150 years ago outside the old city. They passed several waterways and walked through scarcely lit alleys. If Laura had been alone, she would have stopped to inhale this mysterious atmosphere. But the woman in black went on, without saying anything. Suddenly the scenery completely changed and she looked at was a huge harbour, filled with classical and traditional ships. Though she saw no people. she heard the noices of people handling merchandise and preparing the ship for departure.
"We are almost there.", the woman in black said, while walking along. They walked across a bridge to the other side of the harbour, which was surrounded by late-medieval merchanthouses. In those days people showed off and most of the warehouses, hotels , restaurants and private building were beautifully decorated and plastered. Even in the dark the atmosphere was full of expectation for the day to come.
The road lead downward and they left the harbour behind her. Gone were the majestic buildings, she had admired just before. After a few minutes her guide went to the left and disappeared into a dark entrance. Laura followed her and entered a kind of plaza. Though scarcely lit she saw the trees, the beautiful garden, surrounded by table and empty chairs. It looked and smelled like some kind of restaurant.
They went upstairs, where she saw a row of appartments. A bit like a motel, but here you saw plants, beautiful paintings and lit sculptures. "I hope you don't mind.", her companion said, pointing a the number above the door. Laura smiled. "13 is my lucky number." "You can stay here for the night. Try to get some sleep. We will talk in the morning."
Suddenly Laura felt tired and she nodded. "Thanks for helping me." The woman opened the door to let her in. "Like I said, you were expected."


Our destination lies beyond the stars.

dM, SiTU

Iran hangs 16 'rebels' to avenge border ambush: Report: Iran's media says authorities have hanged 16 "rebels" of an unspecified armed group in retaliation for the death...

Nigeria bombs Boko Haram camps, kills 74 Islamists: Nigeria's army said on Friday it had killed 74 suspected Boko Haram fighters in a raid in northeastern...

vrijdag 25 oktober 2013


By re-arranging the letters of a word or by reading it backwards, hidden meaning can be discovered and you can follow the way down to the sounds of astonishment the first humans uttered, describing the paradise they lived in. Names were not important, then.

I hope you did you homework, because I did mine. The question is: is the name HARRY POTTER some sort of anagram and does it contain hidden messages.

The fitst one is easy to find: terra, meaning world. The following characters remain: H, A, Y, P, O, T and R. You have to remember, that “Harry” is an aristocratic name and yes, you can lay out ROY. This is an interesting link. Once the English Empire ruled the world, by ruling the waves and still the Dutch-Anglo cooperations are active world-wide.

We have four letters left: P, T, H and A.

We have to dig deeper now and arrive in Egypt. In the Egyptian creationmyth, we find the name PTAH, the Creator-God.

Analysing Harry's first and last name we must conclude that his name also means: CREATION OF A ROYAL WORLD. Royals meaning wizzards of course.

For next time: analyze your own names in the above way and discover your roots and your place in the battle to come.

donderdag 24 oktober 2013

SOMEthing to THINK about

door Master Klaas (SiTU)

Nederlandse strijdkrachten zijn actief in het Midden-Oosten. Een “batterij” Patriot-raketten is gestationeerd aan de Turks-Syrisch grens.

Hier hangt een prijskaartje aan van tientallen miljoenen en waarschijnlijk wordt deze missie, er is nog geen projectiel afgevuurd, verlengd. Kosten: zeker 50 miljoen euro.

Dit gebeurt in een tijd van draconische bezuinigingen en afbraak van de verzorgingsstaat.

Ik heb dan problemen met het feit dat, ondanks bovenstaande, Defensie al weer straat te trappelen van ongeduld, om 3- tot 400 militairen naar Mali te sturen om daar het internationale terrorisme te bestrijden. De Fransen zijn daar al actief. Hun interventie zou in 2014 zijn afgerond. Dat valt dus nogal tegen.

Moordende nazi-vrouwen deden niet onder voor Hitlers mannen
Moordende nazi-vrouwen deden niet onder voor Hitlers mannen Nazi-vrouwen waren even wreed en beestachtig als de mannen, zo blijkt uit 'Hitlers furiën' van de Amerikaanse historica Wendy Lower.

woensdag 23 oktober 2013

Something to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

During the Allied intervention in the Balkan-wars in the nineties of the 20th century, the airplanes destroyed

14 Serbian tanks

and over 300 schoolbuildings.

Pakistan violates ceasefire yet again: Pakistan’s fresh ceasefire violation comes on the eve of Salman Khurshid’s J&K visit.

dinsdag 22 oktober 2013

'VS doodden willekeurig burgers met drones' – Metro

Syrian town pleads ‘save us from death’ in letter

Syrian town pleads ‘save us from death’ in letter: Residents of a Syrian town besieged by President Bashar al-Assad's forces appealed to the world to "save us...

The Cooking Of Humanity (Documentary) [Video]

SOMEthing to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

We are told, that radiation from a micro-wave ovens is harmless and can be ignored.

On the other hand, billions have been spend to develop all kinds of weaponry based on this micro-wave “principle”. They are used by the military and the police for crowd-control (a.o.). Both parties are satisfied by the results and the continuous, government funded, research and development.

maandag 21 oktober 2013


There was something wrong. Before your journey began, an inprint was made and I did recognize some aspects, when I scanned the landing-area. The portal was part of an old castle, that was completel surrounded by water. But the time was wrong. We were supposed to arriveat dawn, but it was midnight. I saw this on my smart-watch and I heard the towerbells ringing 12 times. And I was completely alone. My researchteam should have arrived within milli-seconds, but it stayed completely silent in the wooded area I materialized.

I waited for an hour and then tried to find the portal. I felt the energy in the ruins and the ancient cave, but it was impossible to activate this power-point. It looked like a one-waytrip. Some-one or some-thing had tampered with the devices to put me here.

Out of the way, so nothing could hinder the stripping of my home-planet. I scanned the area for audio-signals and was struck. Not only had the Empire tried to put me far away in isolation, making it impossible to intervene; they also had placed me back in time!

Later on I found out the correct date. The harvesting of planet Earth still lay in the future. It struck me. This intervention by the cosmic rulers, gave him several years to prepare as many humans as possible for the things to come. Fighting of the alien intervention.

zondag 20 oktober 2013

Tientallen doden bij aanval Zuid-Sudan - Nederlands Dagblad


Door Master Klaas (SiTU)

Toen Einstein in Amerika arriveerde, nadat hij Nazi-Duitsland was ontvlucht, schreef hij een brief aan de Amerikaanse regering, waarin hij waarschuwde voor de ontwikkeling van atoomwapens in Duitsland. De Duitse geleerden, onder leiding van Werner von Heisenberg, maakten goede vorderingen, aldus Albert Einstein. Atoomwapens in handen van de Nazi's zou de naderende wereldoorlog, in het voordeel van Duitsland kunnen beslissen.

Amerika nam de waarschuwing van deze geniale geleerde serieus en het Manhattanproject, een gigantische operatie, ging van start. Met alle gevolgen van dien. De bommen op Hirosjima and Nagasaki en het begin van de nucleaire wapenwedloop.

Na de oorlog werd er jacht gemaakt op Duitse geleerden en hun know-how. Op het gebied van atoomwapens bleken de Nazi's ver achter te liggen op de Verenigde Staten, ondanks de jarenlange geruchten van het tegendeel. Van operationele wapens was geen sprake.

Werner von Heisenberg gaf tot eind 1944, ongestoord en regelmatig, gast-college's in het neutrale Zwitserland.

Hij vervolgde zijn wetenschappelijke carrière en zijn “onzekerheids-principe” speelde een belangrijke rol bij de ontwikkeling van de “quantum-fysica”.

SOMEthing to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

LOVE is a 4-letter word.

So is HATE.

zaterdag 19 oktober 2013

SOMEthing to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

Gunpowder was the result

of the Chinese alchemists

search for an elixer to give

humans immortality.

vrijdag 18 oktober 2013

Kenya mall attack: Norwegian suspect named: A Norwegian citizen of Somali origin is suspected of being one of the attackers who stormed a Kenyan...


Panic grips border villages as mortar shelling by Pakistan continues: A BSF jawan was injured in firing in R S Pura sector.

Aanslagen Irak eisen tientallen levens - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad


Door Master Klaas (SiTU)

We hebben ons de woede van Poetin op de hals gehaald. De oorzaak is dat het door Rusland aangehouden Greenpeace-schip onder Nederlandse vlag vaart! Het fiere Rood-Wit-Blauw als nieuwe piratenvlag!

Is Greenpeace actief in het Noordpool- gebied, in de omgeving van de Zuidpool is “SeaSheperd” actief. Zij volgen de Japanse walvisvaarders hinderlijk en proberen de jacht te voorkomen. Het “moederschip” wordt bekogeld met een aardappelkanon en netten worden uitgegooid, die bedoeld zijn om de schroeven te blokkeren. Heftig allemaal.

Maar U raadt het al. Niet alleen zijn er Nederlanders aan boord van het drietal (!) schepen, de “Seasheperd” vaart ook onder Nederlandse vlag.

Waar een klein land, groot in kan zijn.

woensdag 16 oktober 2013



This Roman saying means as much as “you name is your destiny, maybe even your doom”. In centuries past first names were chosen with care. It was a mark, which would never leave the new-born. The chosen name would be presented to the gods in a baptising ceremony. Your name is definitively written down in de book of life.

Choosing a name was a matter of politics. You followed the ruler or the fashion of that time-frame.

In the Netherlands first names have mainly two roots. First the pagan and local names and secondly the holy names of the Roman-Catholic church. My first name stems from that tradition. It has shrunken in time, but the roots are clear. My first name means as much as “dedicated, devoted to God”. Many saints and holy men carried this name, so did popes and emperors. Traditionally this name was given to the boy, destined to join a monastery and lead a pious life. You can find my name in the Bible, making it thousands of years old and one of the most common names in the Western hemisphere.

SOMEthing to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

When you keep silent,

when evil rules;

you'll be silenced


SOMEthing to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

One of the first registered acts of the use of biological warfare took place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the year 1763.

The Enlish colonial forces were in constant conflict with the local Indian tribes. During one of these clashes the English offered the Indian warriors some blankets and a handkerchief, as a token of peace.

These textiles came from the small-pox hospital nearby.

British documents reveal, that the soldiers hoped that this strategy would work.

It did. Epidemic waves of small-pox swept across North-America, decimating the aboriginal Indians.

US ship with arms was in Indian waters for a month: Sources said the Indian Coast Guard had repeatedly spotted the vessel in the last four weeks, but chose...

dinsdag 15 oktober 2013

Proof Of NASA Misson To Bomb Moon ALIEN Base In 2009 [Video]

'Arafat was poisoned with radioactive polonium': Experts have revealed that they have found traces of polonium on Yasser Arafat’s clothes. This almost confirms the...

maandag 14 oktober 2013

SOMEthing to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

The moment alien life is discovered and confirmed, your life will completely change.

The moment, you discover, that you are totally alone on this planet,

your life changes drastically

as well.

Vier terreurverdachten opgepakt in Londen - Nederlands Dagblad

Duitse ministers ontsnappen aan aanslag - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

SOMEthing to THINK about

If the people are clear

and united,

darkness and evil will retreat.

Kevin Annett

zondag 13 oktober 2013

Pakistan violates ceasefire for the third time in 24 hours: Indian troops guarding the borderline with Pakistan retaliated, triggering ongoing exchanges.

Revolutionaire Gardisten gedood in Iran - Nederlands Dagblad


Please, allow me to introduce myself

Born in the year of the Rat.

Jian, the crazy monk, SiTU



Hij kan vliegen, maar niet verder dan het dak.
Hij kan klimmen, maar niet een hele boom.
Hij kan zwemmen, maar niet over een sloot heen.
Hij kan graven, maar kan zichzelf niet verbergen.
Hij kan rennen, maar niet voor een man uit.




A 10-year old Christian girl was gunned down, while coming from a

bible-study class.

dM, SiTU

zaterdag 12 oktober 2013

The Death Of Dr. Kelly: An Open Case [PressTV] [Video]
The Death of Dr. Kelly:  An Open Case [PressTV]

UFO Attacks International Space Station From Earth (Video ...
(Before It's News) · Source. Interesting. Slowly but surely,I have been investigting the possibility that there is or has been some kind of undercover war with aliens ...

vrijdag 11 oktober 2013

North Korea accuses U.S. of planning “preemptive nuclear strike”
Experts sceptical about return to March/April tensions

National Intelligence Service: Kim aims to unify by force (Daily NK)
Kim Jong Eun aims to “unify the two Koreas by force within the next three years,” South Korea's National Intelligence Service (NIS) reveals

Tien Egyptische soldaten gedood bij Suezkanaal
Tien Egyptische soldaten gedood bij Suezkanaal Bij een aanslag in het noorden van Egypte zijn tien soldaten om het leven gekomen. 

Nieuw obstakel voor 4G in Brussel
Nieuw obstakel voor 4G in Brussel
De versoepeling van de stralingsnormen door de Brusselse regering wordt nu toch anders uitgewerkt. Daardoor doet 4G voor Brussel weer een stap achteruit.

Tensions mount as N. Korean military on "high alert"
The General Staff of the Korean People's Army is warning the United States of "disastrous consequences" if it co-ordinates its planned joint naval exercise with the South, state news reported Tuesday.
In a statement on Monday, the North said it was responding to the moving of several U.S. Navy ships, including a "nuclear-powered" aircraft carrier, into the South Korean port of Busan, on October 4th, and "large-scale joint naval strike maneuvers" by South Korea and the USA which start on Tuesday.
The North said that the maneuvers "are a planned military offensive to pressurize the DPRK in a bid to deter its possible 'provocations' including nuclear test and missile launch and lead it to 'changes' desired by them," according to the KCNA report, and that the United States would be "wholly accountable for the unexpected horrible disaster" that could take place if drills go ahead. Visit NK News for more

donderdag 10 oktober 2013

SOMEthing to THINK about

Living your life in a human form

has its limitations.

dM, SiTU

woensdag 9 oktober 2013

'Gewapende mannen ontvoeren premier Libië' - BUITENLAND - PAROOL

SOMEthing to THINK about

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

There are wars going on. Children die, 24/7, 7 days a week, all year round.

Except for Christmas in non-Muslim countries.

maandag 7 oktober 2013

Bewaker Duitse ambassade in Jemen gedood - Nederlands Dagblad

Amerikanen gedood bij aanslag Afghanistan - Nederlands Dagblad




All aliens have their own agenda of which we make part of. Former defense-employees have stated, that they had identified 57 dIfferent types of ebe's. Most of them are humanoid. Main groups: humanoid, reptilian (Draco), interdimensional entities and Greys (genetical modified hybrids).
It's important to make a difference between regressive and progressive races. The latter are still in development and sympathize with us, humans, because we too, are a progressive race. But don't get fooled by channeled messages, because these can and will be manipulated.

Regressive races go down-hill. They are about to implode.Their energy is exhausted and their resources declining. In this deteriorating proces they claim whatever they want, plunder and suppress developing races. This is what I call the influence of the reptilian mindframe. Humans too, posses this as an option. It's the most ancient part of our brain and it manifests itself in situations of crisis. This reptilian, regrerssive part of the human brain can be stimulated and manipulated by media, education and jobs. Resulting in reptilian solutions for humans to keep them disinformed and dependent. This process is going on for some time now. It show's in the destructive path mankind is forced to follow.

zondag 6 oktober 2013


Is US shutdown a brewing African-American revolt?: Decades after achieving civil rights and enjoying affirmative action, African-Americans in the US continue to be disadvantaged, suffering...

US house passes bill to pay furloughed govt workers: The Republican-led US House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill that would retroactively pay 800,000 furloughed workers once...

Facebook, Twitter give clues to prevent disease spread: All sorts of variables can effect something as complex as the spread of disease.

Typhoon Fitow hits China, thousands evacuated: The storm, packing winds of up to 151 kilometres an hour, made landfall in Fujian province in the...

US on path to default if Obama won't negotiate: Boehner: Republican House Speaker John Boehner vowed on Sunday not to raise the US debt ceiling without a "serious...

Video news: All in one minute @ 10pm

US is 'determined' to hunt al-Qaida leaders around world, John Kerry says: "Those members of al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations literally can run but they can't hide. We will continue...

Death toll in Egyptian clashes rises to 28: Report: At least 28 people were killed in clashes between Islamists and police in Egypt on Sunday, most of...

India test-fires nuclear-capable Prithvi-II missile: India on Monday test-fired its indigenously developed nuclear-capable Prithvi-II missile with a strike range of 350km from a...

Iran 'a year or more' from nuke capability: Obama: Obama also says the world must "test'' whether Hassan Rouhani is serious about resolving its nuclear dispute diplomatically.

US navy SEALs raid Somalia, target senior al-Shabaab leader: A US navy SEAL team targeted a senior leader of al-Shabaab militant group in a raid on his...

US commandos nab al-Qaida leader in Tripoli: Al-Libi is on the FBI's most-wanted list with a $5 million bounty on his head for his alleged...

Inside Secret Government Warehouses - Alien/UFO Conspiracy Documentary [Video]

zaterdag 5 oktober 2013

Grote brand bij Gazellefabriek in Dieren - Nederlands Dagblad


€20 billion stuck at Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport: Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, until recently the home of whistleblower Edward Snowden, has now been reported to hold another...

US debt default 'catastrophic', spillover could reverberate around the world: Obama govt

Organ trafficking: Madagascar mob kills 2 Europeans: A crowd burnt two Europeans alive on a tourist island in Madagascar because they suspected them of trafficking...

Russian embassy in Libya evacuated after attack: Russia on Thursday evacuated all of its diplomats and their families from Libya, the day after a mob...

Afghanistan on the verge of historic WC qualification: Afghanistan are on the cusp of historic qualification for their maiden cricket World Cup in 2015 to be...

Another water leak at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant: Highly contaminated water containing radioactive substances has spilled out of a tilted tank at the crippled Fukushima nuclear...

13 jailed for life in Kerala jihadi recruitment case: An NIA special court sentenced 13 people to life imprisonment after they were found guilty on charges of...

Wife's refusal to quit job no reason for divorce: HC: The failure of a wife to take job transfer to her husband’s city, even if promised before marriage,...

Kenya rioters torch church after Muslim cleric killed: Rioters set fire to a church in Kenya's port city of Mombasa Friday, in furious battles with the...

5 killed in Egypt as Brotherhood protests against govt: Five people were killed in clashes on Friday as supporters of deposed President President Mohamed Morsi took to...

donderdag 3 oktober 2013

Full-Auto Gauss Gun


India to be most populous nation by 2050: Study: The world's population will rise to 9.7 billion in 2050 from the current level of 7.1 billion and...

Kashmir is like a colony of India: Mehbooba Mufti: "We have to decide whether we will behave like a 'colony' or should we work for the people...

US shutdown starts, 1 million workers on unpaid leave: The US government began its first partial shutdown in 17 years, idling about 1 million workers on unpaid...

Pope convenes cardinals for church reform talks: Pope Francis convenes his parallel cabinet on Tuesday for first round of talks on reforming the Catholic Church,...

Bangladesh sentences opposition leader to death: Salauddin Quader Chowdhury was found guilty of torture, rape and genocide during the war for independence from Pakistan...

BlackBerry considering real estate sales: Report: Struggling Canadian smartphone maker BlackBerry Ltd may sell some of its real estate to raise money, the Globe...

Video news: All in one minute @ 10pm

Australian man first to have surgery to treat depression: Walts had to come to India because Australia doesn't offer DBS for depression and the US, Canada and...

Israel ready to tackle nuclear Iran 'alone': Netanyahu: "Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will...

SOMEthing to THINK about

The 4 major American producers of military equipment

spend (at least) 500 million dollars

in the last 10 years on lobbyist-activities towards Congress and the US-Senate.

Empire - The new arms race

woensdag 2 oktober 2013

SiTU RESEARCH: module 1

by Jian, tcm, SiTU

If you are interested in historical anomalies, myths and weird facts Ancient Aliens is a good way to start your search for a deeper truth.

At least the producers are quite clear, that this is “propaganda” for their view on the development of Earth by alien intervention and the fysical/spiritual support of the Gods from the Sky.

Destination Orion:

If you look behind this, you will get a look at the phenomenal legacy of our pre-decessors and their absence in our traditional view on human history. Use Ancient Aliens as a tool to open your eyes and take a look at our forgotten (forbidden?) past.

dinsdag 1 oktober 2013

Al-Qaida gunmen take over military base in Yemen: A colonel who works at the base in Hadramawt province but who was not there when it came...

Blast kills 36 in Pakistan's Peshawar: At least 36 people were killed and 70 injured in a car bomb blast here on Sunday in...

Islamist gunmen attack Nigeria college, 50 feared killed

Islamist gunmen attack Nigeria college, 50 feared killed: Extremists attacked an agricultural college gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms...