The traditional Japanese bungalow in the hills over Kyoto was the new headquarters of the Gunsui Rondan, of which he, Zynkyoku Haku, was the supreme commander.
He overlooked the lush garden and contemplated what he would lecture this afternoon. The papers and books he needed, were held by his secretary, who was somewhere around him and would appear when needed.
He shivered, even wearing a traditional Mongol coat. The message he would proclaim, would be sensational and for most of the members a complete surprise. The world would have to recognise the New World Spirit or “Welt Seele”. Which meant governance by the Army, under God's High Command. He had called it “Theo Militarismus”. The concept of God would be renewed. That was what Adolf Hitler and Goebbels had shown the world; that God and the Devil were one and they showed how evil could be perfectionised and turned into a machine.
Hitler had been the reincarnation of the evil side of God. He automatically touched the Iron Cross, he wore around his neck. Hitler had promised to come back and lay the foundations for the Fourth Empire. They said, that remnants of tne Nazi's had escaped all around the world; Norway, South-America and even the South Pole. The Gunsui Rondan had waited all these years and had searched all around the world for a growing Nazi-inflouence. But the search had been in vain.
The world need a new concept. Christianity was a worn-out concept. Just as communism and democracy. American democracy and kapitalism were hated all around the world.
The United Nations? Just a money-powered autocratic system, where America is used as a tool by the global financial capitalists.
Haku lit a sigarette and blew the smoke towards the sun.
China, the new world leader?
There had been no nation in history, which had ever been succesfully ruled the world by playing an ape and stealing other countries' money.He crushed the sigarette under his black army-boots. “No.”, he whispered. “There had to come and end to all the illusions. This meeting, he would announce the foundation and offiial proclamation of the Fourth Empire, “das Vierte Reich”.”
It would come as a shock to mosdt of them and there would be resistance, but this time he had the final trumpcard in his sleeve. He now possesed a “Wunderwaffe”, which would lead his forces to victory. When entering he greeted the flag; a rising sun with a swastika.

When Zynkyoku Haku entered the oratory of his headquarters he walked straight to his desk. His assistant had put his papers withing reach. Three candles were burning. His lecture always ended, when these candles were finished. He felt the spirit of this beautiful building. The pride of the trees to make part of the structure.
He was dressed for the occasion. He wore a simple grey uniform, black boots and the Mongol cape. On his chest shone an iron cross. Only to be worn by heroes. But it was not a Nazi- or even a German symbol. The roots went as far as the most ancient of societies, like Urduk and Babylon. And they copied the cross from the lost civilisation of Atlantis. The future to be.
He looked across the room. His, all male, audience, stood, heads bowed, in silence, eagerly awaiting his first words. He saw that the video-team was ready and, noted that their shining lights wouild make him sweat. But that would only be a small discomfort. His lecture would be taped and its message placed on the internet. He lit his first sigarette.

“Various photographs show the genocide, that Hitler or the Nazis have done.” His audience got seated as quietly as possible, including those of alledgedly killed 1.500.000 children. Of course, those children deserve pity. However I wondered if it could be that simple and suddenly I noticed, that it had an esoteric aspect. Those innocent children were infused with power of Satan upon the moment they were killed. That was a kind of esoteric initiation. It means nothing if the unclean adults are killed. It would be the same as pigs being slaughtered. It was innocent children that were killed. It has a completely different esoteric meaning behind it.
All the human societies, as representedby the Western society, divided the wholeness in two: God and Satan, and this has been applying to people to divide them. I am telling you, that all this is an utter lie!”
The temperature in the room was rising, but his audience hang at his lips. This was number 40 in a long range of lectures. Those were his student, but also his warriors. Who, like him, would be willing to die, while creating the fourth and final Empire. The thought aroused him and he reached for another sigarette.

He inhaled deeply. “Our universe is two-dimensional. Which means as much as; our universe is a membrane without thickness.. The three-dimensional world is just a Maya, or illusion which manifests itself.
To begin with, what we call birth and death. Everything that came out from the two-dimension just goes back. But human beings, who are born from a pair of three-dimensional flesh bodies. So if they are killed, they will diasppear from the three-dimension. For them death is just a phenomenon. Therefore, Bankei, a Japanese Zenmonk called this course of circumstances: “unborn”. This means: not coming into being. Two dimensional does not disappear! But three-dimension does. Because the consciousness of human beings is fixed only on the three-dimension. They can only look that way. They say that Nazi is like this and that or nazi is evil and so on.
So stupid! They are never able to to see the truth. The universe is a membrane without thickness.
God and Satan are the same Exiastence. You have been deluded by Christ.”
Haku paused for a moment to let the message sink in. But there were more disturbing messages to come. His aim was to introduce a new, radical way of think and a new morale. He felt the sweat on his forhead, but ignored it. He walked in front of his audience, as if he was thinking about his next sentence. Which he was not. His biggest concern was the amount of time, the candles gave him.
“Christ is a terrible cynical being.
He despises the ordinary humankind to the marrow. Just like Adolf Hitler did. Today, it is commonly thought, that Adolf Hitler was the central pillar of the Nazis and Goebbels was his right hand. But this is just a currently accepted historical myth. Spiritually, they are two of the same exitence. They are One. I believe the age will come, when this is taken for granted as truth by every-one.
No, I say, that age has started from today! The duo of Hitler and Goebbels gave established a new Law. And through their actions made human-kind realize that the concept of “Good”, which people embrace was a lie.
What do you think about that.”
Supreme commander Haku paused, though he was not interested in his audiences' thoughts.

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