woensdag 7 mei 2014


At about 15.000 years ago the Last Ice-age came to an end by the emptying of a giant lake in North-America. The water broke through the ice and emptying its enormous content into the ocean. This is the basis of the “Great Flood” and the story of the destruction of Atlantis. A chain-reaction occured world-wide and globally the waterlevels rose. This process is in his finishing phase at the moment, with the disappearance of the (Ant)Arctic ice.

There have been hughe climate-changes world-wide. Antarctica has been a tropical island, so were parts of Siberia. The Sahara, now a dessert, used to be green with rivers and sweet-water lakes. Nomadic tribes roamed the area; herding cattle and hunting antilopes and boars.

Recent insights have lead to the conclusion, that the pyramids of Gizeh and the Sphinx are much older and were created on the edge of a fertile basin. When you study history you will have to take the rising of the sea-level into account. Twenty thousand years ago the North Sea was a fertile plain, supporting a mighty culture (Atlantis). Walking from, what is now the Netherlands to England was possible and our predecessors hunted mammoth on the “Doggersbank”. This civilization was hit hard by the giant tsunami from the North and the whole area changed, because of the rising sea-levels. A lot is hidden under the waters of this part of the Atlantic. Gold, treasure and forgotten knowledge, hidden beneath the waves. But the Gods act in our favour. The sea-levels on the northern hemisphere are falling. Atlantis will rise again.

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