maandag 16 juni 2014

the godess Isis

Isis, oh Isis, you mystical child.”, Bob Dylan once sang. He had a completely different “Isis” in mind, than the “Isis” appearing in the news today.

In 2014 “ISIS” is the name of a group fundamentalist jihadist; an international brigade (hundreds of Dutch?) fighting, and losing at the moment, against the “legal” tyrant Assad; they now invade northern Iraq.

For p.r.-reasons, ISIS posted a video, showing drive-by shootings, brutality and executions of Iraqi soldiers and civilians. Horrible of course, but you are only watching. The real trauma, the real suffering and transition has already happened. There is NOTHING you can do about it.

On late-night t.v. two Dutch politicians showed there disgust of what they had seen, simply ignoring the horrible and bloody pictures, that you can find on the internet. Starting with American hostages in Iraq, having their heads sawn off (in front of a live audience), decapitations and mass-executions in Syria and (now) in Iraq too. And don't forget the “regular” warfare. Oil-drums filled with explosives on civilians. Every day.

Children have to run for their lives on their way to


It all 21st Century Fox!

In the meantime, in Kenia, Islamic radicals attack a beach-hotel. They shoot every-one, who cannot recite verses from the Qu'ran.

What's the lesson for today, except “watch your language”? When you travel in certain areas of the world, you better learn some Qu'ran-verses.

By heart.

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