Today I would like to tell you something about “Gizeh-intelligence.” This intelligence is in fact no intelligence at all, but the power to command natural forces at will. Ra for instance, was the Egyptian Sun-god, who was also worshipped under the name of Amon. These entities reacted to the worship, which was given to them. This is what gave them power. It lead to idolising and devotion for their personal assistants in the land of the Nile, the Pharaohs. The names of this god-like entities were used as a kind of Red Bull-drink. The gods and goddesses, the Upper and Lower Kingdom, the pharaohs, the priests and even the people of Egypt flourished. This process resulted in a enormous amount of art, which we now can admire in the museums around the world. The Gods and the ruling class on earth started to feel superior. This superiority led to enormous infiltration of social life by religious mantric customs. The Gods, and goddesses of course; excuse my male programming, projected themselves on earth, by the names the Egyptians used. Ramses was a popular name and it simply means son. Son (moses) of Ra. Tutmoses simply means son of Tut. The Hebrew Moses had a Egyptian name. You have to imagine an Egyptian city, filled with beautiful temples, where priests and priestesses prayed and chanted the names of the deities. People murmur personal prayers and wear amulets to attract the spirits and colors that honor them. There is music, fire, dance and sacrifice all to honor your name, day and night! Egypt was a kind of powerhouse, an energy vortex in this part of the world, the Gizeh-plateau; Centre of the world. One of the centers, that drew visitors from as far as Atlantis and Lemuria. That's how tobacco and cocaine ended up inside ancient mummies.
It needed the Persians. The Greeks and the Romans to destroy this organic, holistic and super-productive system. But the deities did not disappear and the descendants of the dynasties survived as well. But the temples were looted and the palaces burned to the ground. Graves and pyramids were plundered and only a few kept the rituals intact. And they had a, hidden, weapon. Language can be used as a carriage, but it can also be used as a weapon. The names of the Egyptian gods made it all the way into the Christian tradition. Osiris was killed by his brother Seth and resurrected on the 21st of December. He had followers and performed miracles and finally became a God. Amon's name is heard all over the world, when Christians finish their prayers, when they say “amen”. When you look in an etymological dictionary, you will read that the experts cannot explain the name Maria, completely. It is hidden. Well it is hidden in plain sight. “Maria” represents the female aspects of the sungod Ra. Allah Akbar.
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