donderdag 8 mei 2014


After World War 2 ardent Nazi's ((rocket)scientists, engineers, spies and administrators) were pardonned for possible war crimes and came to work in the United States. This thoroughly planned operation was called “Paperclip”. Some say that the infamous doctor Joseph Mengele was one of them. He had an enormous experience with experimenting on humans and testing the human conditions. He put concentrationcamp-prisoners in ice-cold water, to register how they died. This knowledge was necessary for the survival of survivors of naval battles and pilots, who crashed in the ocean. It is worth noting, that experiments on unknowing patients went on in America, without interruption. Prisoners were infected with syphilis, cancer and tuberculosis, thinking they were part of an innocent medical experiment. In England and the USA, and probably Russia as well, parts of the country were sprayed with biological and radio-active material.

Russia tried to create super-soldiers, by mingling the genetics of two species (ape – man f.i.) These entities are called Kymera. Did the experiments and hybridyzation go on?

In Russia, but also in the USA?

Follow Jesse Ventura (I like his style) in his search for “Manimals”.

Keep an Open Mind. The Earth is much bigger than you think (up and under).

Our Universe is


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