vrijdag 9 mei 2014


If human beings have supernatural, hidden and forbidden capacities, so have animals. If we are in a fase of “growing consciousness”, so are animals (and trees, plants and other life-forms). The Mayas predicted this process at the end of their cycle. Our (and their) consciousness is quickely expanding, but it also speeds up the incoming flow of data/input, your outreaching potential seems to explode. Time seems to speed up. Some scientists predict a “singularity”, the break-down of mankind, by an overload of incoming data, we cannot process anymore.

It's true, in recent years (pseudo-)science and exploration has lead to a tsunami of theories, reports, excavations, experiments, forgotten sources of wisdom and astounding video-footage. These are the “rocks” in your flow of consciousness. You can pass them by, ignore the rocks and concentrate on the water, but when you hit them, you are in trouble. To be direct: when you miss certain data, tendencies or hypes; your opponent, who knows, will beat you.

If you ignore the “supernatural” forces of dogs f.i., you are missing opportunities for your own development and that of your pet(s).

Humans can develop para-normal powers by training, like “better-hearing, better smell, better taste and better-sight”. Dogs are natural in that and many times, my dogs warned for something or some-one coming to me. Dogs have a “pack-identity”. This is a sort of collective mark. This functions on a telepatic level too. When hunting, wolves are in constant communication. They motivate each-other, change places and even perform a kind of “ritual kill”, when they have cornered the prey.

Dogs, if you treat them well, create a pack around you. For their and your protection. You will feel it and even see it. When I look beside me, I think my dog is laying there. She is not, she is sleeping downstairs, dreaming of me.

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