donderdag 31 juli 2014
"Search For The Mothman"
is a documentary that explores the unusual disturbances, odd sightings, bizarre occurrences, and strange eyewitness reports connected to a creature known as the "Mothman" (first sighted in the Point Pleasant, West Virginia area in the sixties). Strangely, the sightings and disturbances seemed to reach a peak with several area residents sharing the same nightmare of a river disaster.
There is light at the end of the tunnel, but it could well be the lights of an approaching train. Protect your Self.
clash of the gods
“The Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings” J.R.R. Tolkien
attributed to the interest in the Anglo-Saxon, Scandinavian
British mythology and the imagination of the many readers worldwide.
In both books maby traces are found of Nordic (Finnish) and Gaelic
mythology and folklore. The Bible, read as the clash between good and
evil, is manifest as well. Resulting in an “End Time battle”
and the success of Frodo to destroy the ring.
the most impressive passages stem from the Tolkien's combat
experiences at the Somme during “the Great War” (1916). But the
question can be asked. Is “The Lord of the Rings” an “anti-war”
trilogy, because of his horrible experiences in the trenches? Tolkien
even got wounded.
in a theatre near YOU
The Necronomicon is a fictional grimoire appearing in the stories by horror writer H. P. Lovecraft and his followers. It was first mentioned in Lovecraft's 1924 short story "The Hound",[1] written in 1922, though its purported author, the "Mad Arab" Abdul Alhazred, had been quoted a year earlier in Lovecraft's "The Nameless City".[2] Among other things, the work contains an account of the Old Ones, their history, and the means for summoning them.
Other authors such as August Derleth and Clark Ashton Smith also cited it in their works; Lovecraft approved, believing such common allusions built up "a background of evil verisimilitude." Many readers have believed it to be a real work, with booksellers and librarians receiving many requests for it; pranksters have listed it in rare book catalogues, and a student smuggled a card for it into the Yale University Library's card catalog.[3]
Capitalizing on the notoriety of the fictional volume, real-life publishers have printed many books entitled Necronomicon since Lovecraft's death.
Other authors such as August Derleth and Clark Ashton Smith also cited it in their works; Lovecraft approved, believing such common allusions built up "a background of evil verisimilitude." Many readers have believed it to be a real work, with booksellers and librarians receiving many requests for it; pranksters have listed it in rare book catalogues, and a student smuggled a card for it into the Yale University Library's card catalog.[3]
Capitalizing on the notoriety of the fictional volume, real-life publishers have printed many books entitled Necronomicon since Lovecraft's death.
an open window.
let the world know,
that you are still alive!
There is a group of entities, that claim to be aliens (humanoid, Nordic), wo are travelling thousands of lightyears to reach planet Earth. They fulfill a task in the ascension of mankind to the 4th and fifth dimension. We are on our way to higher level of consciousness, but we are hindered by evil powers, who exploit us and destroy our natural habitat. These evil entities are called archons or fallen angels. It must be about 200 angels, that we kicked out of heaven and landed on earth. In the beginning they could reign as gods and superbeings. They seduced women and corrupted man. They searched the world for a way out, but all they found were simple setlements of easy living people. They intervened and brought agriculture, astronomy and sword making. This was done deliberately. They feeded them with hatred and anger, which resulted in a continuing state of warfare. From about 10.000 years ago untill now. The fallen angels had not all the same qualities. Some were merely servants other were warriors in the “Army of God”. Lucifer was one of higher ranking angels. Their intervention led to a believe system of “Gods” coming out of the sky, omnipotent and dangerous and always threatened to return or to leave.
The evolutionary path of the angels, including the fallen ones, is different from ours. Instead of evolving to even greater powers, their fysical en mental abilities diminished, while mankind was, despite the warfare, killing and destruction, slowly moving forward. The gods, godesses, supermen and monsters, went into hiding. To maintain their power, they depended more and more on corrupt humans.
In 1952 George van Tassel made public, that he had made contact with Federation of Light. They are coming to us in hugh spacecrafts. These spaceships will finally orbit the Earth, ready to rescue a select group of “Lightworkers” (144.000), when great cataclysms will hit our planet. (for comparison: fundamentalistic Christians believe, that they will be saved the same way (the Rapture).
Ashtar is one of leaders of the Galactic fleet, approaching us. On board is Jesus and his return will result in a collective Messiah. The next step of mankind, will be powered with christ-consciousness.
George Adamski met an actual alien being, whom he saw descending from his spaceship. This happened on the same location as van Tassel had his first communication with the “Ashtar Command”.
I think, that aliens and fallen angels are the same. I think an evil, dark force was dumped here. We have to cope with that. Agression, violence, discriminative behavior and torture are part of a mindframe “alien” to us. It is the concept of dualism which results in a world of have's (a few) and have nots (the rest), macho man and sexy woman, life and death and affluence and starvation. But you can be both!
This video is a good illustration of the growing compartmentalization of information. This one was only aired (by National Geographic Channel) in Australia. The big media-cooperation are trying to distort and destroy the new Tower of Babylon; powered by the internet.
Australia is a target of the NWO and is getting isolated. But don't worry, help is on the way.
But in the proces, the Media Moguls cannot numb the people down anymore. So they have to reveal the truth, step by step. That is why I want you to research the internet as much as you can. Stop playing games and getting entertained. The Elite does not care about you, so you have to take care of your SELF (your most valuable part, they lust for). Get educated and start asking questions, when you know the answer.
By the way, what's the relationship between alien domination and obese?
Listen carefully to the experts and especially the American one. What are they in fact saying, who are they (human?)
Is Australia a threat to China or is it going to be.
Make a calculation of the costs of a black project like this.
History Channel, NGC, Discovery, Animal Planet and other infomative tv-channels are carefully planning their global mindcontrol and desinformation. Australia is targeted and we will not believe them, because the information was hidden to you. Be aware of this and exchange information. In this way, it won't get lost. Like the last time.
This is the story of the shocking events that occurred, told first-hand by many of the actual participants. It reveals how one field of science can conflict with another and how new discoveries must battle evidence vs. belief, exposing what some have called "the dark side of archaeology."
Ik vouw mijn handen samen,
doe mijn ogen dicht
en bid, dat na het “Amen”
mijn gehaktbal
er nog ligt.
Scientology: Inside the Cult
Scientology: Inside the Cult - Watch Free Documentary Online - Jill Robinson
Carlton TV got a scoop when reporter Ali Braund went undercover with a hidden camera in the Poole organization. They also used other sources in making this landmark documentary about the The Church of Scientology. The cult tried to sue the documentary makers, but it was dismissed as an abuse of the courts.
Carlton TV got a scoop when reporter Ali Braund went undercover with a hidden camera in the Poole organization. They also used other sources in making this landmark documentary about the The Church of Scientology. The cult tried to sue the documentary makers, but it was dismissed as an abuse of the courts.
The documentary discusses: Conway and Siegelman survey; security checking (Sec Check); deceptive recruitment; L. Ron Hubbard; Robert Vaughn Young; plan to eradicate Suppressive Persons from the Earth; myths about L. Ron Hubbard’s life; beginnings of the Sea Org; David Miscavige; personality test; emotional manipulation; Key To Life course; controlling an ashtray; Training Routine 0 (staring); Gary Fry signing over £21,000; auditing; emotional high induced by auditing; hard sell techniques; claims of improved memory; Adam Bird paying £34,000.
Further more: Gary Fry leaving and getting refund; Saint Hill castle and the Sea Org; the billion-year contract; goal of “clearing” the planet; Jon Atack; OT3 and Xenu; OT levels and Body Thetans; security checking; use of “confidential” confessional materials for blackmail; arrest of Ali Braund; Scientology’s refusal to co-operate with the programme; the Fair Game policy; author Russell Miller and the attempt to frame him for murder; Fair Gaming of Jon Atack; suicidal thoughts upon leaving; death of John Buchanan in Germany.
Message to 100 MONKEYS
If the content of this documentary is true and if the footage and context is real; we have to drastically review our history and have to create a new cosmic view, in which we, human beings, participate on a new level.
But if you would organize a poll about the knowledge of this potential reality, (in which we function a long, long time), the result would be zero. Apart from you of course.
A summary:
the American moonlandings were more than real. The American astronauts discovered the remnants of (destroyed) buildings and space-ports. Here alien spacecraft were discovered; including bodies.
Debris was collected and brought back to Earth to be re-engineerd.
The moon is still occupied by entities (fallen angels), who made clear, that the USA was NOT welcome any-more.
the Nazis visited the Moon as well.
Fotoshopped. Interesting, the Swastika (Sunwheel). It is turning the other way around.
pre-Buddhist; Bon-sect
woensdag 30 juli 2014
to think about
Improve your
(practical) skills, knowledge and capabilities.
These are the best
to survive the coming
socio-economic/financial collapse.
Start collaborating
with friendly souls.
dM, SiTU
Yesterday I advised to search and research. Accept and work with the changes. Especially your own.
The Bible is an "enfolding" and addictive book/message. Only by discovering the different layers, origins, connections, rituals and contexts, you will find a way to the hidden messages and "truths".
The Bible, and other holy books, had and have an enormous influence on our way of life; its rules, laws and dogma. The official guardians of the "Holy Book" and its meaning and messages, are religious institutions, with different backgrounds; Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Buddhists and others.
So don't underestimate religion and its hold on our world. Treat it with respect.
What to do when you meet an alien
THE LAW OF ATTRACTION - when you pay attention to something, genuine attention, then the "object" of your attention will manifest itself and in time (treated the right way) grow. This goes for ufo's, aliens and galactic conspiracies as well. Everything exists. Everything exists in connection with you. It will come to you.
This is what you should do, when you meet an alien (or ebe - extraterrestial biological entities) in person.
Be polite. Most aliens you meet are benevolent beings. When you feel threatened, it means that the ebe tries to take over your mind. Say loud and clear: "I want you out of my mind and out of my sight." This is the universal law of personal/individual integrity. It works most of the time. If the et-intervention is malovent, still be polite. It is out of your hands now. You overplayed your hand. Stay safe.
Alien Contact - The Message
Fascinating search into the Alien agenda and messages sent to earth from other worlds..Ancient alien artefacts ,Giant Ufo's Crop circles and a secret message to our reality.. you have to see this to believe it.. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Fascinating search into the Alien agenda and messages sent to earth from other worlds..Ancient alien artefacts ,Giant Ufo's Crop circles and a secret message to our reality.. you have to see this to believe it.. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
Global GMO Alert! - New Scientific Evidence Proves Danger?
The power of the Elite is slowly fading away. There were only a few of them in the beginning and they wanted to keep it that way. This led to inbreeding and a slow, but unstopable decline.
Let's call them the Gods, the (fallen) Angels or Archons. They guided and directed humanity to fulfill their desires and wanted to be worshipped for it. When they arrived on our planet, they soon realized that their magic and technology gave them supremacy over man and when managed the right way, it seemed their rule could last for millenia.
These Archons desperately searched for a way back into their original universe, from which they were dumped into our reality. Their unity soon disap-peared, mostly out of boredom, and for thousands of years they played a game of “Global Risk”. An endless streams of wars, experiments, invasions and genocide engulfed the planet. Modern technology all made it seem easy, but to reach every entity, they had to spread their powers. The Archons use modern media to control our world. But a problem occured. More and more of their original powers of manipulation and indoctrination became paperthin. Combined with the inbreeding and the growing paranoia of the Elite, their mindframe slipped into decadence and obscenety. That's why we are confronted with all those absurd and disgusting movies, battles, t.v.-series and talkshows. Nobody, in a sane mind, is awaiting another wargame, zombie-attack or disaster-scenario. Still we are confronted by them. There is nothing entertaining about a horror-movie or adult programming. They only show a degenerative and dark tendency, we have to get rid of. The world is filled with anger, violence, pornography, child-abuse and suppression. So it seams. There is a different world to discvover. Just stop playing video-games, send text messages, go to cinemas and watch television (among others). Stop let them poison you. There's another, real world waiting for you.
Acid Test: The Global Challenge of Ocean Acidification
This groundbreaking NRDC documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years. The film, featuring Sigourney Weaver, originally aired on Discovery Planet Green.
This groundbreaking NRDC documentary explores the startling phenomenon of ocean acidification, which may soon challenge marine life on a scale not seen for tens of millions of years. The film, featuring Sigourney Weaver, originally aired on Discovery Planet Green.
While Tibetan Buddhism is squeezed inside of China’s borders, there is a place where it still survives intact: Upper Mustang – a once forbidden kingdom high in the Nepalese Himalayas.
When you ask a friend, “What do you know of ancient stone-structures.” He will immediately start talking about Stonehenge and the mysteries of the Gizeh-plateau. This seems a natural and logical answer. In the last decennia many of these “anomalies” and mysteries have been explored and explained. Other, who had escaped discovery for thousands of years, simply emerged, were suddenly recognized, the Bosnian and Chinese pyramids f.i., excavated, like Arkaim in the Caucasus or discovered while diving, like Yonaguni, a mysterious underwater structure over 10.000 years old or the Bimini-road.
Our world is covered with mysterious ancient stone-structures. The Maya's built thousands of pyramids and temples and so did many American tribe. They also dug miles-long tunnels through the mountains and used them as hiding-places for their gold and silver or religious artifacts. Many archeolgists are in fact treasure-hunters, like the Conquestadores from Spain. But tunnels and underground complexes are found. Trouble is, that much of the tunnelsystem is flooded and is only accesable, untill now, by divers. Some get lost, never to return.
But ancient stone structures exist, which are much easier found and accessable, we totally ignore. They are hiding in plain sight and they control and dominate us. I am talking about cities.
A city is an organism and the older and bigger it becomes, the organism grows and becomes more and more complex. Main goal of this organism is to survive and outlive other cities, which it sees as rivals. A city is proud and vain, so it stimulates and activates it citizens to build beautiful palaces, temples of any domination, whatsoever, roads to move the military and trade. The city wanted to be a center of the world and political, military and governmental powers were centralized there. The city wanted to be the centre of religous and spiritual power. Many beautiful churches and domes were build in Europe till the late 1900's.
These accumulation of power, wealth and pride led to feelings of superiority, which led to clashes and warfare between competing city-states. When you live in a city and you want to break free; you have to study your past. To begin with.